Comparing my picks to actual results – and some commentary.
Comparing my picks to actual results – and some commentary.
The final results are in: here’s what voters think will happen tonight.
Watch the 2015 Worldcon Business Meeting, Friday session.
A Business Meeting of fans is anything but boring!
Sasq-Watch, the daily newzine from Sasquan, the 73rd World Science Fiction Convention
Remember to send in your ballots (or sign up and VOTE!) – and remember to use the NO AWARD option if appropriate.
I told you HOW I was going to vote a while ago. Now, here’s the Final Ballot.
The 2015 Hugo Award finalists packet is now available for Worldcon members.
Voting No Award will not bring about Nuclear Hugo Winter
Amazing Stories endorses the DC in 2017 Worldcon Bid.
Everyone is playing the Harlan Ellison Hugo Awards Title Mashup Game!
Three really great Kickstarter campaigns you ought to know about.
Time to finish up those Hugo nominations, the deadline is March 10th.
What did “real” fans think of Star Wars in an era “a long time ago…”?
We’re following the Hugo Awards ceremony live and updating our list to bring you up-to-date results of this important awards ceremony.
Where’s Fred Gambino? Premiering a new art book at this year’s Worldcon!
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