The Malevolent Seven is a dark humourous fantasy that moves very quickly. It’s not terribly deep, but for me it was a quick, fun read. (Bear in mind that my idea of fun is a bit twisted.)
The Malevolent Seven is a dark humourous fantasy that moves very quickly. It’s not terribly deep, but for me it was a quick, fun read. (Bear in mind that my idea of fun is a bit twisted.)
A review of Ecuadorian author Rafael Lugo Naranjo’s, Tripa Mistic
In his last column ever… for 2020… Steve talks about two books by Jeffrey A. Carver, and hopes you all have a wonderful winter season.
Jemisin wins another award, fans remember Oscar Goldman and much much more from the world of fandom.
An overview of some of 2016’s most popular articles in Amazing Stories for Italian speaking readers.
An interview with Carla G. Angelo Paredes, the author of Spanish-language novels for young adults.
Mechanical Failure by Joe Zieja is a farcical adventure where the absurdity of reality becomes the template for the human condition and only our hero sees the silliness of it all.
This week, Steve says a very sad goodbye to longtime fan and friend Mary-Karen Reid from Edmonton, Alberta–and reviews two books by Writers of the Future Grand Prize winner Randy Henderson.
This week Steve drops back ten years to review an underapreciated movie, “Constantine,” with Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz, telling us why he thinks the movie deserves another look.
Scide Splitters reviews a story collection by one of science fiction and fantasy’s most prolific authors of short form humorous fiction.
They’re expanding everywhere: an infinite series of novels, an endless number of parallel stories, each one populated by people who seem similar to us but whose lives have changed in just one salient way
Eric Brown takes us on steampunk adventure through India at the time of the Raj. The year is 1925, and history has taken an alternate course.
An interview with science fiction and fantasy author SJ Chase
A couple weekends ago I experienced the rare opportunity of having nothing to do. So to celebrate I sat down and just read. Now I can share with you the fruit of that unproductive weekend by reviewing for you the entire Long Earth series by Stephen Baxter and Terry Pratchett.
Upcoming Spanish language releases in the Fantascy series from Random House Mondadori
Britain’s Abaddon Books is a seething brew of villainous steampunk, sleek spaceships, cruel sorcery, and blood-soaked horror. I tracked their commissioning editor David Moore down to his lair, where I forced him to unravel a cracked and […]
Science fiction and fantasy are taking over the realm of the Hollywood summer blockbuster, no question about it. Marvel Studios is gearing up to launch the Avengers franchise into space with the forthcoming Guardians of […]
Why do authors write equal opportunities for women into fantasy worlds with pre-modern technologies and societies? Unless they are Terry Pratchett, they’re only making themselves look silly.
NOTE: This week’s essay is actually an adapted form of an essay from December 18, 2012 that was originally published at The King of Elfland’s 2nd Cousin. Some changes, however, have been made from the […]
Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy (itself spread across five books with a six written by Eoin Colfer), with its friendly, green warning against panic, casts a huge shadow over the field of […]
Hello, folks! Now that I’m back on my feet, I find that April’s here. A few days ago was April 1st, also known as April Fool’s Day. And while I may not be clever enough […]
It is to my ever increasing frustration that I continually see true literary talent dismissed as ‘too complex’ or ‘deep’ in favour of the mildly-talented easy-way-out authors who have become ‘popular’ in a day and […]
Author’s Note – it has been said that we should ‘write what we know’ and, in that spirit, for my first outing here at Amazing Stories I have decided to crib a little from my […]
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