Steve jumps around a lot this week, from VCON to Steampunk Fashion Jewelry to the Philip K. Dick Bookbundle, and back again to Ed Howdershelt!
Steve jumps around a lot this week, from VCON to Steampunk Fashion Jewelry to the Philip K. Dick Bookbundle, and back again to Ed Howdershelt!
This week, Steve hypes his local convention and talks to best-selling ebook writer Ed Howdershelt, plus there’s advice on writing and selling ebooks!
Portland is putting its horror on
Steve considers two of John Shirley’s different genres: Fantasy Detective and Western!
Tenants Of A Structural Corpse is an experimental comic by Adam S. Lichi, somewhere between a single issue and a graphic novel
Grimm’s third season ends with fireworks
As I sat on a park bench outside of the Art Deco exterior of the Hollywood Theater, on the nicest day of the year so far in Portland, not only did it seem like a victory and a vindication of the weird words and worlds of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, but for the whole of SF fandom.
A Pre-Con report for the 19th Annual H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon from J. Simpson
For many years, if you wanted to see the works of Howard Philips Lovecraft adapted for the big screen, one would have to have to content one’s self with endlessly re-watching The Bride Of Re-Animator […]
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