Will 2014 Be the Year of the Indie?
Data is showing indie publishers on the rise for customer satisfaction, Keith West explores where this could lead.
Data is showing indie publishers on the rise for customer satisfaction, Keith West explores where this could lead.
Cedar clues us in on a host of useful tips and guides for those who are looking to publish in 2014.
Cedar Sanderson dives into the nitty-gritty of self-publishing with this how-to on formatting with CreateSpace.
Cedar Sanderson gives an insider perspective to designing your cover and the Createspace templates.
The problem with the internet is that anyone can write something down, publish it, and present it as fact when it’s not. I have ten titles on Amazon, and another one coming out later this week. Every single one, the default is no DRM, although there is a check-box I can click if I decided I wanted it on my work. Which I don’t. Unlike Big Music and Big Publishing, I don’t think all people are thieves. I also know better than to think that DRM is anything but a challenge to hacker twits who break stuff just for jollies.
Cedar Sanderson interviews Archer Garrett, author of The Border Marches
a discussion on another publishing option for your backlist of short fiction
Face it, no-one needs to buy a fiction book. It’s not like underwear, or food, or a roof over their heads. It’s entertainment.
independently publishing your stories yourself
Deliberate misdirection is a writer’s tool that also deserves a place in the marketer’s toolkit. Here’s how writers can colonize the search page, where the reading experience ought to start.
Today I am pleased to present a guest post by Eric Gustafson, an innovative artist and book cover designer. I am still learning so much about cover design, and as Eric has been one of […]
Home from LibertyCon 26, in Chattanooga TN. We put a thousand miles on the little car this weekend, stayed away from home for four days in a sub-standard hotel, but it was worth it. For […]
I chose to interview Stephanie Osborn about her writing and publishing work because I really admire her Displaced Detective Series, and I had the pleasure of meeting her in person at LibertyCon 25 last year. […]
These offputting objects killed the novel. Let’s dance. ‘Cos it’s more fun reading in freefall.
Hi. I’m glad you’re here. Come in, make yourself comfortable, and let me introduce myself. My name is Keith West. I’ve been reading science fiction and fantasy for about 35 years, coming to the genre […]
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