It’s been a bit over 40 years since L. Ron Hubbard began the institution Writers of the Future to “pay forward” his success in writing science fiction. In that time, well over 800 writers (and illustrators!) have won awards, most going on to major careers in the field. This week, Steve reviews the 40th volume in the series. And finds it excellent!

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Visions of Frankenstein

VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN is currently playing in theaters, although by the time you read this it may very well not be, having slunk away in disgrace after failing to pull the box office mojo. It stars […]

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Black and White: No Room for Gray Shades

Early science fiction and fantasy magazines of the twentieth century, of which Amazing Stories was chief, employed artists for their interior illustrations who could produce images of great variety using only ink applied to paper.

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Am I Blue?

Monochromatic painting has been part of the avante garde since the end of the 19th century, but science fiction and fantasy artists use monochromatic painting techniques to a great effect.

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Conan, by Crom!

Depictions of Conan have evolved over the years, from Emshwiller to Brundage to Arnold and now, to Jackson.

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Separating the Art from the Artist

Suppose an artist or a writer says something that is loathsome or morally reprehensible? Can we therefore judge the artist’s work as having no value simply because the artist is a jerk?

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Eric Gustafson Cover

Part Two of the Art of Covers

This is part two of Eric Gustafson’s guest post for me on covers. It’s a huge topic, and even if you aren’t responsible for your own covers, you should understand how a bad cover can […]

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I Can’t Compete with CGI!

When I was in senior high school (thirty looong years ago) I had an appointment with a career counsellor. I had an aptitude for art and was interested in science.. Based on these two pieces […]

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Art Theft

I’ve been thinking this week about art theft. I don’t mean art theft as in black stocking cap clad thieves pulling off a museum heist. What I’m talking about is art swipes, instances where artists […]

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Sexism and the SFWA

So there’s a brouhaha brewing around the Science Fiction Writers of America and accusations of blatant sexism within that organization. (Actually it’s more like a raging storm in some corners). The controversy surrounds the 200th issue of […]

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