Noticias Literatura 10-7

Report on the Celsius Festival’s programming; Minatura’s 2019 Fantastic Microcuent contest rules, AEFCFT’s nomination for ESFS awards; and interview with José Antonio Suárez about Alter Ego and more!

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Mars and Barsoom were popular this week, as was our announcement about The Gernsback Machine podcast. Not to mention – have you seen how many foreign language posts are often amongst our most read? That’s pretty cool!

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Armstrong on the Moon, Christopher Lee, EmDrive experiments, Latin SF, modern myth, the Illustrated Dune…

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Wow, longer than usual today as fans were reading a huge variety of posts this past week. We’ve got over 8,600 articles including free fiction, reviews, commentary, interviews, humor and more

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Posts on SETI, d’Arnauld Pontier, Paul Lehr, Amazing Stories TV show, our current fund-raiser, Neo-Opsis magazine, Vonda McIntyre and more round out this week’s most popular posts.

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Noticias Literatura 18-7

John Scalzi atttending Celsius 2019; Visions 2018 publishes new authors in their annual anthology; Spanish Language Hugo Awards (Ignotus), Kameron Hurley talks at Telefónica Space in Madrid, and more!

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Noticias Literatura 12-7

An overview of the rules of the 2017 Domingo Santos Award for short stories and the launch of “Ambition to the Light of the Moon” by Robert E. Howard.

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