After-Action Report: DragonCon 2013, Atlanta, GA
DragonCon is hot, sweaty, tiring, demanding, has endless lines, can feel like a badly-run fire drill – and one of my favorite weekends of all time!
DragonCon is hot, sweaty, tiring, demanding, has endless lines, can feel like a badly-run fire drill – and one of my favorite weekends of all time!
What Would You Expect From Amazing Stories? Amazing News, That’s What!
A survey of Doctor Who websites – official and fan.
Bill Plott shares photos from a visit to J. T. Oliver of southern fandom fame.
Want to make sure your contributions arrive on time? Threaten them. Tell them you’ll make up stuff and place their name prominently at the head of the gibberish you’ve concocted. Articles will pour in.
A loving tribute to the memory of one of the most important figures both in the history of our genres and in American popular culture and the literature of the 20th century.
A timeline of the development of science fiction, from one fan’s viewpoint.
Black Age of Comics Convention An artist, entrepreneur, author, art therapist, educator, and publisher, Turtel Onli founded the Black Arts Guild (BAG) in 1970, which was based in Chicago. The BAG sponsored art exhibitions and published […]
I was deep into Gundam Wing starting in middle school, and it was the catalyst for me to start taking drawing and writing very seriously.
A Photo gallery from this year’s Worldcon
Very Cool websites you should visit – after reading Amazing Stories
Maybe it’s time for fans to relax about how the mainstream media sees us. We do sort of rule the world.
For fans of classic space opera, one of the most iconic movie franchises ever produced in the genre is arguably that of the Star Wars saga. Not surprisingly, one of the most informative sites on the web pertaining to all that is Star Wars is the aptly named
“It is rare that someone who you first come to know as an icon becomes a human and a friend, and that is what happened with Fred in the years that I’ve known him
Further explorations – and personal experience – with the genre-mainstream divide
A discussion of women in SF and their progress or lack thereof over the course of the past half-century.
Science fiction has a long future ahead. While this was my first Worldcon, I hope it will not be my last.
It is a profound mistake to interpret the genre of science fiction literally
Profiles of women science fiction authors – including the mother of it all, Mary Shelley.
The Tom Swift Jr. books had great, evocative covers, quite pulp-like, and were quick reads.
I am glad that I’ve never had to defend myself and what I love because of something so trivial as my gender expression. I can only hope that the entirety of fandom can grow to this point and further as dialogues surrounding hobbies and sexism continue to spring forth.
En todo caso más vale tarde que nunca, aquí algunos de los más interesantes artículos que fueron populares en las últimas semanas.
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