On Ecology, Women and Science Fiction: Part 2, Praxis
Nina Munteanu explores issue surrounding eco-fiction and optimistic science fiction with four female speculative fiction authors and/or publishers.
Nina Munteanu explores issue surrounding eco-fiction and optimistic science fiction with four female speculative fiction authors and/or publishers.
Science fiction author and limnologist Nina Monteanu writes about changes in the genre, which she sees as changes in the way individuals interact with each other and the natural world.
Some things writers hope editors know
Indie authors need editors. Here’s how to go about finding a good one.
How to flourish as a freelance editor in an indie world.
There is a tendency in western literature to portray the central character as Christ figure.
There are at least seven excellent reasons to write short stories
Applying ecological principals to book publishing
“Game of Thrones is very compelling. But so is a train wreck.”
“I write for the same reason as I breathe—because if I didn’t, I would die.”—Isaac Asimov
You can apply the techniques of reverse engineering to your writing craft
As we enter a new year in writing and publishing, I thought I’d review some interesting statistics and observed trends over 2014 made by those poised well in the industry. In July 2014, Publishers Weekly […]
Most of us think of Christmas as a busy time, of getting together (often dutifully) with family and friends, exchanging presents and feasting. Christmas is certainly this, but that is only a shallow view of a far deeper event
Storytellers have shaped our societies and reflected our cultures for all of recorded history
Tightening up your craft is an important learning experience for the writer.
If you are going to interview, you need to be a good reporter.
Without setting, characters are simply there, in a vacuum, with no reason to act and most importantly, no reason to care. And in a vacuum, you can’t hear them scream because they can’t breath!
How do you determine what length to write? Complete with official SFWA story lengths!
Strunk and White tell us, “are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing.”
To write a truly compelling story is to resonate with the universal truths of metaphor within the consciousness of humanity.
Taking to the road with a hero…but what kind of hero?
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