Dungeons and Dragons Under the Influence Becomse an Official TEGG Gaming Group.

June 30th, 2015

For Immediate Release

The Ed Greenwood Group

Dungeons and Dragons Under the Influence

TEGG and DnDUI a gathering of gamers…

TORONTO—The Ed Greenwood Group (TEGG) and Dungeons and Dragons Under the Influence (DnDUI) are pleased to announce DnDUI will become an official TEGG Gaming Group. Game Master Marco Butruzzo and his gaming group—Nick Etherton, Adriano Burtuzzo, CJ Bosco, Daniel Moscato and Raf Giancola—will assist Ed Greenwood, and TEGG head of game development Steven Schend, by advance play-testing TEGG games. The team will provide feedback and insight that will be used to improve all aspects of the games from concept to playability to design look and feel.

Over 200+ episodes DnDUI has become quite the established, and fan loved podcast. What started out as a group of friends just gaming together in-front of a laptop has turned into one of Toronto’s top podcasts and one of the biggest Dungeons & Dragons® podcasts in North America. Weekly podcasts treat audiences to laugh-a-minute content with Marco leading his mischievous group playing not just Dungeons & Dragons® but other games—roleplaying and table top. While DnDUI informs audiences about the games, the artwork and the rules, etc…they also do an amazing job of showing audiences just how much fun each of the games are to play too. And now DnDUI is bring their great skills of game evaluation and assessment to The Ed Greenwood Group.

“Holy Crap! We’re working with Ed F*cking Greendwood!” said Marco Burtuzzo, the group’s charismatic leader. “Can’t wait to get started,” said Nick Etherton, DnDUI’s illustrator, “This is going to be so incredible, it’s like a childhood dream.” Ed Greenwood, who first met members of the gang at a 2014 convention, was taken by the group’s energy relaxed attitude. “Marco and his DnDUI group are fun guys to game with. While their pod cast is definitely for adults only, that’s okay by us,” said Ed Greenwod president and publisher. “It’s important when reviewing games that they be honest, and of course, be themselves.”

The Ed Greenwood Group, a new transmedia publishing company from the creator of the Forgotten Realms®, launches this fall with its first novel, a brand-new Ed Greenwood title. Your World Is Doomed is the first novel in an urban fantasy setting called Hellmaw; 6 story arcs, 86 novels, 14 anthologies, 5 games, and 9 Artifacts are planned between Mr. Greenwood’s first novel and the end of the sixth story arc, projected for October 2022. Next year (2016) will see the launch of a more traditional sword-and-sorcery setting code-named Pony Island Adventures, and Quickblade—the TEGG roleplaying game “house rules” system from Ed Greenwood and TEGG head of game development Steven Schend—which will serve as a master rules set for all adventures from all settings. More settings in more genres will follow over the next ten years—For Wolf & Empire (steampunk), Lost Princesses of Mars (space opera), and In So Deep (sex fantasy), to name only a few.

For more information, please visit:

o   Twitter: @dndui | Facebook: www.facebook.com/dnduipodcast

o   Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dndui

o   Twitter: @TheEdVerse | Facebook: facebook.com/TheEdVerse

To schedule an interview:

  • With DnDUI, please contact Adriano Bertuzzo via email: Hosts@DnDUI.com
  • With Ed Greenwood, please use the office contact [form] or email: Press@TheEdVerse.com

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