The Big Bang Theory!

FirstWord has it that the actors of The Big Bang Theory have come to an agreement with Warner Bros (or perhaps Warner Bros has come to an agreement with them) for their season 8 episodes to begin this September 22, 2014.

I’m glad.

Up until my daughter moved into the house with us I didn’t own a TV but for an old monitor my husband and I use to watch DVDs. Being in a rural area, we’d only get one channel anyway, and I’m a dinosaur.  I refuse to pay to vegetate around what our generation calls the boob-tube.

My adult daughter loves TV. Curiously enough the only channel she gets in her room just happens to show The Big Bang Theory. The first time I passed by and peeked in  her door I caught Sheldon during one of his rants and I thought “what a jerk”.  My daughter then made me come in and watch the show.

The Re-Entry MinimizationNow the series is the only TV I watch and it whets my daily appetite for laughter.

I realize I have more reruns to catch up on than a horse has hay to eat!

What amazes me about the series is Jim Parson’s incredible acting abilities. If anyone ever got into a role wholeheartedly, it’s Jim. I say that as someone testing the waters of directing and film making and working and conversing with people in the film industry.

I also say it as an author who must dive into the inner depths and psychology of character creation.

Jim Parson’s Sheldon Cooper is a good example for actors and writers alike to follow. More is said in his facial expressions and body language than in his words, though those are pretty amusing as well! Sometimes I think the work an actor has to go through in bringing a character to life is taken for granted. We just see too many shows to notice the details and appreciate the art. It’s a good thing for awards such as the Emmy’s and Golden Globe awards. Without them the only thing talent receives is a hefty paycheck. The many nominations and awards The Big Bang Theory had earned since 2007 are, in my opinion, more than well deserved.

I don’t mean to separate Mr. Parsons from the crowd. The rest of the cast carries their own weight and come to the viewer as awkwardthe-big-bang-theory-sheldon-and-mom-at-table-meal-grace, funny and loveable.

If you’re how I was, a bit prejudiced to watch something as boldly titled as The Big Bang Theory, rest assured it won’t mess with your beliefs. I find that even Sheldon’s born-again southern mother is a bowl of hysterics! Go ahead laugh at yourself!  Take life a bit lighter than does the rest of the world! You won’t be sorry!

Now in my house come 7 pm (PST) I drop what I’m doing when my daughter calls out, “It’s on!”


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