Deep in the Heart of Texas, Part 2
Ever wanted to drop a fan into the middle of the Atlantic? Learn how.
Shaping History at Gen Con 2013
The summer convention schedule marches on. Already we have sampled the delights of E3 and Comic-Con, and WorldCon looms on the horizon. This weekend another destination convention takes the stage, as Gen Con 2013 gets […]
TIME MACHINE: Past Popular Posts
21st Century Pulp Artist There’s Something About Night Vale Interview with SFWA Grand Master Frederik Pohl Review: Destination: Planet Negro What if Every Superman Actor Was One Man? Why yes, I’m going to WorldCon by […]
(Can’t Wait For Sunday News) Worldcon Business Meeting Motion
Worldcon, coming up at the end of August, regularly conducts the WSFS business meeting where, among other things, possible changes to the Hugo Awards are proposed, discussed and then voted on by the membership. (Going […]
Interview with SFWA Grand Master Frederik Pohl
Today we are joined by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Grand Master Frederik Pohl. Frederik was one of those wild-eyed youths who through force of will and determination spread science fiction across […]
Why yes, I’m going to WorldCon by Christopher J Garcia
I love WorldCons, and not just because that’s where the Hugos are given. I’ve been to a few of them, and had a great time at every one of them. This year has some promise […]
The Artful Collector: The Major Awards for Artists and ART: The Hugo
As I was downloading some bid sheets this week, in preparation for packing up the art to be displayed at the LoneStarCon3 Art Show, the 71st World Science Fiction Convention (San Antonio TX) I was […]
Richard Powers Art on EBay
Jane Frank, our resident expert on all things art fantastic, will be attending and displaying at this year’s Worldcon – LoneStarCon 3 – in San Antonio. Jane usually displays art by the iconic Richard Powers […]
Hugo by the Numbers Part 2
Let this serve as your reminder that final ballots for the 2013 Hugo Awards are due today. (07/31/13) With that in mind, I bring you my continued parade of Hugo Award statistics from across the […]
Hugo Award by the Numbers
With the Hugo Award voting coming to a close at the end of July, I find my attention being pulled towards the historical data surrounding the Hugo. The Hugo Award started in 1953 at the […]
Interview with SFWA Grand Master James Gunn
Today we are joined by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Grand Master James Gunn (also James E. Gunn). James writes, edits, and anthologizes science fiction and related scholarly books. In 1969, Paramount […]
A Fan’s History, Part 1
I’m going to assume that you are a science fiction reader of some kind, since you’re here at Amazing Stories magazine’s website. Are you a science fiction fan? (I’m going to abbreviate it “SF” to […]
The Cautionary Tale of ZellaCon -or- How to Hoax and Still End Up Hosting a Convention
Once in a while, I enjoy a good hoaxing. I’ve done Hoax Newsletters ( and various Hoax bids, notably the Hollister WorldCon Hoax ( and AhwahneeCon ( which were both great successes when all was […]
A Tale of ConQuesT, Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem
While riding my keyboard and mouse across the infinite electronic pathways of the world, I discovered something quite surprising. At first when I stumbled upon it, I sloughed it off as just another coincidence. But […]
The Artful Collector: Are Conventions Good Places to Find Art? (Part 2)
Once upon a time, science fiction and fantasy conventions were great places to find, and buy, original art – and, in time – reproductions of art created by the best professional illustrators in the field […]
How American Airlines Helped Me Gafiate
Gafiate, for those whose Fannish Lexicon isn’t handy, is Fan Speak for the act of ‘Getting Away From It All’. Leaving Fandom. Putting conventions and fanzines and crazy projects and far-flung friends behind you. It […]
Yesterday, the nominations for the 2013 Hugo Awards (which will be presented at LoneStarCon 3 later this year) were announced live at several conventions and posted to to the official Hugo Awards website (where the […]
The Clubhouse: Looking for fandom — ConFusion at 40, Part 4
Wherefore fandom? Fandom does not equal “the science fiction market.” To be a fan it’s not enough just to be a consumer of science fiction. To be part of fandom you have to participate in […]
What Is Alternate History?
What is alternate history? Not as easy question to answer. Historians have been speculating on “points of divergence” since classical times. The Roman historian Livy wrote the first “counterfactual” when he speculated on what would […]
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