Book Cover: Off The Main Sequence by Robert A. Heinlein

Matt’s Reviews: Off The Main Sequence by Robert A. Heinlein

  Publisher:              Science Fiction Book Club;   Publication Date:  1st edition (October 1, 2005)   Length:                  738 pages   ISBN-10:               1582881847   ISBN-13:               978-158288184   Author:                  Robert A. Heinlein Off The Main Sequence:The Other Science Fiction Stories of Robert A. Heinlein […]

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Many, if not most, SF fans who are readers would really like to see a movie made from his works that adhered to Heinlein’s story and didn’t take great leaps away from his ideas to someone else’s, as in the Paul Verhoeven Starship Troopers. I think Predestination is one that Heinlein would have liked. Do you agree?

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Book Cover: The Green Hills of Earth by Robert A Heinlein

Matt’s Reviews: The Green Hills Of Earth by Robert A. Heinlein

Publisher:             Rivercity Press  Publication date: 1978 (reprint)  Copyright Year:   1951  ISBN:                   0-88411-881-9  Author:                Robert A. Heinlein  Original Magazine Story Copyrights:  From 1941 – 1949 The Green Hills Of Earth by Robert A. […]

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NAMETAGS REVISITED (Column 24 redux)

Ah, conventions… and nametags—they go together like ham & swiss cheese! I’ve bookended my convention experiences in a way by showing a 38-year-old Spokon nametag and a new Spocon 2022 tag! Read the column to find out more.

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