New Releases in Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance for Wednesday OCT 23
Galactic Gladiators! Thumbs up for Anna Hackett’s Centurion
Galactic Gladiators! Thumbs up for Anna Hackett’s Centurion
An excerpt from a gay paranormal romance novel
Ghost Squad is a mocumentary that laughs at itself just as much as it pokes fun at the paranormal realm and those who dare to examine it.
Behind the Paranormal: Everything You Know is Wrong may not have all the answers, but it will make you think twice about what you thought you knew.
A scary, intense film about love and loss. What’s not genre about that?
An inside look at the process of developing a cover for a self-published book
Have you heard a strange bump in the night? Perhaps a door mysteriously opened or slammed shut? My advice, read Carl Sagan’s The Demon Haunted World.
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