SUPERMAN and LOIS (So Far)… with spoilers.
This week, Steve talks about the present Superman TV show and what it means to him personally. What does he think about it? What do YOU think about it?
This week, Steve talks about the present Superman TV show and what it means to him personally. What does he think about it? What do YOU think about it?
The Librarians and The Lost Lamp by Greg Cox is a fitting companion to the popular television series, filling that agonizing void until the show returns for its second season in November.
This week Steve does short reviews of a new movie plus five (5!) Aurora Award nominees for Graphic Novel… and asks for your consideration as well.
These are the Four Color Heroes. They are meant to be bright primary colors – why are they do dark?
This week, Steve visits Mars (really! Sort of…) and reviews a new book and an overlooked movie from 2014. Check it out!
Entropy happens whether we want it to or not. Why are we so fascinated with helping it along?
A look at the various controversies surrounding the release of the soundtrack album for Hans Zimmer’s score to Interstellar
There are no super heroes in real life – that’s why we go to the movies!
John takes a look at the ever shifting background stories and world histories as comics move from books to film.
On Wednesday, Variety broke the news that Warner Bros. has cast Gal Gabot, of the Fast & Furious franchise fame, as Wonder Woman in the upcoming sequel to Man of Steel, currently under the working title Superman Vs. Batman.
Is it possible to be Team Marvel and Superman (stand alone) at the same time? Because that is where I am….
The other news this week is Benedict Cumberbatch has reportedly signed on for the next Star Wars film.
Another summer of cinematic wilderness is drawing to a close and I owe you all a big apology. Why? Because I am responsible for the terrible state of mainstream American cinema today.
The novelization of Man of Steel by Greg Cox is a book looking for an identity. The obligation to remain loyal to a script while remaining faithful to the character is an improbable task – one reader’s must realize if they are to accept the work.
This week there was only one thing I could write about. Man of Steel. I saw the film and it was amazing. I personally think it is the best outing of Superman ever. Zack Snyder […]
Like the Omega 13 Device – but Better! Travel back in time up to seven days, not a paltry 13 seconds. Why, 13 seconds doesn’t give you a chance to do much of anything beyond […]
Warning: Minor Man of Steel spoilers follow. In all fairness, Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel is a beautiful movie. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect from a “New 52”-era DC Comics adaptation: loads of […]
There are many reasons that I love science fiction on the screen above and beyond any other format. I’ve always been someone who enjoys being told a story where I can see it in front […]
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