In this first of three Halloween-y columns examining several media adaptations of Stephen King works, Steve talks about the new movie, and what’s wrong with IT.
In this first of three Halloween-y columns examining several media adaptations of Stephen King works, Steve talks about the new movie, and what’s wrong with IT.
This week, Steve reviews the Sept./Oct. 2017 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, their 68th anniversary issue. And finds it good to read!
The Dark Between the Stars is one of those books that grabs you which readers will love.
Written by Brian Herbert, in collaboration with his gifted father Frank Herbert, this tale first started with a germ of an idea way back in 1983, and was published in 2015. Set in the future, […]
Steve reaches a milestone 100 columns, and reviews the new Writers of the Future anthology and the film Big Hero 6.
This week Steve takes us back to 1967, courtesy of Lisa Mason. Time travel is trippy!
Scide Splitters reviews seven fun filled cases from the files of Dan Shamble, Zombie Private Investigator.
Science fiction and fantasy’s only annual humor anthology returns with stories from Robert Silverberg, Mike Resnick, Tim Pratt, Piers Anthony, Kevin J. Anderson, Jody Lynn Nye, and more.
Fiction RIver has been a huge success, particularly in introducing a diversity of themes.
The Dark Between the Stars by Kevin J. Anderson is the first book in the ambitious yet sure to please The Saga of Shadows, the follow-up to the successful The Saga of Seven Suns.
Amazon vs Hachette and lots and lots of newsletters and press releases!
Returning to the universe of Frank Herbert’s epic space saga Dune, the vulnerability of human existence is once again clouded by faith, fanaticism and revenge. Mentats of Dune is the latest installment written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.
Tis the season to enjoy the holidays the way fans of zombie stories should – with a nice (and a little bit naughty) compact tale. Naughty and Nice (Dan Shamble, Zombie PI Mini) by Kevin J. Anderson is the perfect stocking (or e-reader) stuffer for that special undead person in your life.
Not every author achieves blockbuster status but they may very well still be worth reading. Adam Gaffen pulls some overlooked gems from his shelves in Lost In Space. This episode – an eight book fantasy series by Christopher Stasheff.
Home from LibertyCon 26, in Chattanooga TN. We put a thousand miles on the little car this weekend, stayed away from home for four days in a sub-standard hotel, but it was worth it. For […]
Friday, June 14, 2013, arrived without much fanfare. My yard gnomes were chained and securely staked in my garden, while the lazy, overweight alligators lounged at the edge of the moat with their mouths open, […]
$1995.00. For 15 pages. That’s how much a copy of A. E. van Vogt’s speech, Tomorrow on the March, goes for today. He delivered this speech as the guest of honor at PACIFICON, July 4, 1946. […]
Taking a short break from science horror to talk some more about steampunk, because our superior mechanical overlords assure me it’s the next big thing. But what exactly is steampunk? Instead of wading into a […]
Though William Faulkner is often attributed with the expression “In writing, you must kill your darlings,” the expression first appeared in a lecture On the Art of Writing by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch as, “Whenever you […]
Hello again, and welcome back! So – what, exactly, do I mean by ‘unknown or underappreciated’? To put it simply – not everyone is a Kevin J. Anderson or David Weber or Eric Flint or […]
Five by Five Aaron Allston Kevin J. Anderson Loren L. Coleman B. V. Larson Michael A. Stackpole WordFire Press electronic only $4.99 Kindle B&N Kobo Smashwords I thought I’d look at some good old fashioned […]
The Martian War by Kevin J. Anderson is a literary retrospective of writer H.G. Wells. It is a story based on the on the original War of the Worlds invasion premise, but this time around, several characters from other classic works by Wells partake in the adventure.
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