A chronicle of the launch of Tony Jiménez’ horror anthology comic The Guardian of Fear; an interview with Jon Icaro, author of the novel The Healer of Time; and more!
The audio publication of Locke and Key by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez give a new perspective to the macabre world that fans have enjoyed for over half a decade.
Welcome to the Amazing Stories BLOG HORDE INTERVIEWS! The ASM Blog Horde is a diverse and wonderful species. I have the privilege of talking with all of them, and I get to share those chats with […]
I would put forward that the next thing is going to be a story, because right now, people really don’t have a big story, a big software. . . . They don’t have a big […]
Alex Kane is an author, blogger, and critic whose work has appeared in Futuredaze: An Anthology of YA Science Fiction, Digital Science Fiction, and Foundation, among other places. He lives in the small college town of Monmouth, Illinois, where he earned a B.A. in English, and was recently named a finalist in the international Writers of the Future contest. Visit him online at alexkanefiction.com.
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