Rumour has it that they’re going to make either a new Destroyer movie or a new TV series. No, this isn’t about ships or a Marvel MCU thing. It’s about “Remo Williams,” who is the avatar of Shiva, The Destroyer. Still have no clue? Read on…

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Why Hollywood Needs to Stay Out of Anime (At Least For Now)

Media apologists everywhere would have you believe that Hollywood only runs the way that it does because of this concept called “marketability.” We could never have Asian-American headliners in an Akira movie because we don’t have enough big-name Asian-American actors. We can’t keep the integrity of the original story because it’s not culturally significant to an American audience. God forbid a movie challenge an audience’s perspective on another culture or give them an insight into how other parts of the world react to certain situations

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Against the Boycott of Ender’s Game

When I returned to reading science fiction as adult I discovered a whole new generation of authors:Greg Bear, David Brin, William Gibson, Octavia E. Butler, and Orson Scott Card. In each case I would read a recommended book and […]

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Superheroine Movie

Imagine the teaser trailer. Peeks at the iconic costume, a villain’s growled one-liner, the title looming suddenly out of the darkness with THIS CHRISTMAS or SUMMER 2014 beneath it. Imagine the interviews in Entertainment Weekly: […]

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The Monster Makers

The spotlight last month fell on the special effects wizards who make SF monsters come to life. The crowning glory was the award of the Best Picture Oscar for Argo. This spy drama focuses on […]

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