In Memoriam 2024
In Memoriam 2024 JANUARY Game designer James Brennan (b.1940) died on January 1. Brennan created the RPGs Man, Myth & Magic and Timeship. He also wrote the eight volume Grailquest gaming books. As Herbie Brennan, […]
In Memoriam 2024 JANUARY Game designer James Brennan (b.1940) died on January 1. Brennan created the RPGs Man, Myth & Magic and Timeship. He also wrote the eight volume Grailquest gaming books. As Herbie Brennan, […]
Once again, we have the sad duty of publishing Steven H Silver’s annual In Memoriam post.
In Memoriam for 2021. Sadly, the list is far longer than it ought to be.
Steven H Silver performs this sad task annually (also used at Worldcon). Please take a moment to remember those we have lost, and the ones who have lost them.
Han Solo, the Firefly crew and many other fictional space smugglers draw upon a rich legacy of real space smuggling.
On a July day nearly 50 years ago, a man from the small town of Wapakoneta, OH, walked on the Moon. There’s now a museum there, commemorating the event.
A new quiz show is coming to a convention near you!
NOTE: The season 9 finale of the Big Bang Theory airs tonight. EPISODE 22: The Fermentation Bifurcation Penny invites everyone to a free wine tasting that she won at work, leading Leonard to wonder why […]
The Gang watches Game of Thrones
Remote cabins deep in the woods….
Sheldon gets a new laptop; Penny and Bernadette become lab techs and ‘maybe’ Leonard and Howard get to see Suicide Squad.
The boys run afoul of patent law, while Raj runs afoul with women..
Happy Birthday to Sheldon. Happy Birthday to Sheldon. he looks like a physicist and probably smells like one too!
Bernadette is going to have (another) child…
Fun With Flags for Valentine’s Day.
Meemaw comes for a long awaited visit
What happens when the girlfriends start going geeky?
While still presenting geeky things like asteroids and synethesia, the Big Bang Theory has begun edging into mundanity.
Wil Wheaton disses Star Wars and Sheldon gets physical.
The Big Bang Theory takes a poke at CBS’sforthcoming video-on-demand Star Trek series.
For want of pastry chefs and children
Leonard and Sheldon need helium for their experiment; Amy does not need dating advice.
Shades of the SFWA Bulletin Cover kerfuffle as Stuart seeks advice on how to get more women into his comic book store. They boys try fencing.
The Big Bang Theory continues to flirt with fandom. (Warning: includes Filk)
How could a trip to Mexico in Richard Feynman’s van possible go wrong? (Bonus: Science Lessons!)
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