CJ Cherryh offers up some more support for Moses Ingram
D&D is Antisemitic? (Not all that surprising)
Apparently, a lot of people are gaming Amazon and it is costing authors.
Liz Mundy & Bill Nye get married
Moon is More Dick than Blade Runner….
Wednesday, Burton’s new take on the Addams Family teaser
Before reading this – Milo is back as MTG’s intern – read this
Thoughts on child actors from an actor on a show with child actors (David Harbour, Stranger Things)
Midnight Gospel cancelled by Netflix
Sandman Trailer (Meh)
Dune video looks to be metastasizing like the books: Info on Dune: The Sisterhood
Michael Dean Jackson shares some AI generated artwork AI Art Gallery
Perseverance has a Martian rock for a pal
River of life found beneath arctic ice (via Stupefying Stories)
Prey trailer – the Predator franchise goes back in time and Prey will be viewable in Commanche language
Ms. Marvel launches with perfect score
Unusual geologic feature discovered on Mars
New Release: ReAnimus Press announces From the Depths of Hellas by Bruce Taylor
Atwood’s fireproof book stunt earns 130K
Oh Noes! Stranger Things admits continuity error!
New Resident Evil trailer more than just zombies
DC Comics now dictating the sex acts its heroes can or can’t perform
Speaking of sex acts nor performed, The Batman 2 has been greenlit
JJ Abram’s perversion moving closer to production
Not a perversion so much as an abomination: Rob Zombie’s The Munsters trailer
Cyberpunkist John Shirley profiled
Big Origins of Life News: Amino acids found in asteroid sample
“Extinct” for over 100 years Galapagos tortoise species found
New Releases: The Great Book of King Arthurian and His Knights of the Round Table
David Dyer-Bennet announces that a somewhat personally adjacent astronomer has had a minor planet named after himself
Muppets Bring it Home with song about Jan 6
Too rich not to post: Two workers rescued from chocolate tank
White Supremacist Extremists arrested before causing mayhem Video
Maya Cade creates Black Film Archive (The World, the Flesh and the Devil highlights their genre collections) The Black Film Archive
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