Have YOU Become Acquainted with Ardor Benn?

As we went into the New Year, I found myself browsing the hundreds of books in my library, and reflecting on which series in particular stand out from the norm. Not an easy thing to do,
seeing as I’ve followed some authors for more than four decades: Raymond E. Feist, Stephen Donaldson, and Ursula K. Le Guin to name several. Some, like Neil Gaiman, Tad Williams, &
Terry Brooks, I’ve followed for around twenty years. Many, many others are more recent acquaintances. Derek Künsken, Mike Shackle, Joe Abercrombie, R.F. Kuang, Jackson Ford, Christopher Ruocchio, C. Robert Cargill, Brandon Sanderson & Megan O’Keefe to name a few.

Each stand out in their own way, and, dependent upon my mood, have always been able to satisfy whatever literary itch has taken my fancy. But do you know what? The instant my gaze fell upon the three books making up Tyler Whitesides Kingdom of Grit series, I started chuckling. Why?

Well, it’s not just because you’re treated to a huge volume each time you open a book (in excess of 700 pages) – a proper read, in my humble opinion – nor is it the fact that those pages are filled to the brim with action, adventure, romance, intrigue, and non-stop fun. No, the reason I always smile, is because Tyler Whitesides had the brilliant idea of coming up with a magi system built on Dragon poo!

(Yes, that’s right. Excess essence of Dragon)

I honestly can’t think of a series I’ve enjoyed as much, especially as his concept ‘works’ so well in the world he’s built. But don’t take my word for it. Take a gander at my reviews for each book (Which include the actual cover blurbs) and make up your own minds. But I can guarantee this. If you do make the effort. . .

You won’t regret it.

The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn

An epic title introduces what turns out to be an equally impressive story, in which we meet Ardor Benn – con artist. He’s out to rob you. In fact, he lives for the thrill of the scam. But only if you’re important. A someone. A name. An icon. A prominent part of an institution that will help him promote what’s truly important: himself!

The back cover blurb helps set the scene quite nicely.


Ardor Benn is no ordinary thief – a master of wildly complex heists, he styles himself a Ruse Artist Extraordinaire.

When he gets hired for his most daring ruse yet, Ardor knows he'll need more than quick wit and sleight of hand. Assembling a dream team of forgers, disguisers, schemers and thieves, he
sets out to steal from the most powerful king the realm has ever known.

But it soon becomes clear there's more at stake than fame and glory – Ard and his team might just be the last hope for human civilization.


It’s incredibly difficult to write about this epically proportioned, 729 page tome without giving the game away – an unforgivable sin, where this story is concerned – as it’s just so darn enjoyable. But I’ll do my best.

First off, it’s important that you appreciate the magic system Tyler Whitesides dreamed up to add foundation to the world he’s created. Grit. A substance obtained – in its simplest terms – as
a byproduct of the waste of dragons! Genius eh? I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a magic system built around what is basically, dragon poo. Awesome!

With a mind like that, I just knew I was going to love what followed. And I did. Ardor is always looking for the ultimate scam. Something that will confirm he’s the best of the best, no matter how outrageous or dangerous it is. Nevertheless, when he’s hired to carry out what he considers will be the greatest test of his abilities, it turns out there’s a whole lot more involved than establishing his supremacy as a ruse artist.

Kings might fall. Religious hypocrisy might expose those at the very highest levels. The very foundations upon which society has been built might crumble. Everything mankind has built might end up in ruins.

And why?

People have been lied to. That’s why! About their history; their past; the very fabric of their society. However, to understand the depth of that deception, you’ll have to immerse
yourselves in the world of Ardor Benn and join him on his adventure. And boy, you’ll be glad you did. Though a self-centered, out-and-out rogue, Ardor is a charmer with a heart of gold. He’s amazingly loyal to those he trusts. And no one is closer to him than his boyhood friend and accomplice, Raekon Dorrel.

Together, they lead an amazing cast of characters who are as down to earth and relatable as they are freakishly funny. Each has their own weaknesses and skeletons in the closet. But it’s those weaknesses that highlight their humanity and charm, making them believable. And there’s the key.

This is a long and comprehensive caper. But Tyler Whitesides doesn’t rush you through it. He
carefully lays out the foundations. And, having done so, continues building from the ground up, adding layer after layer to a complex and fascinating story that not only draws you in and involves you from the outset, but will keep you busy until the stunning finale. The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn. Outstandingly original, with twists and turns and timely revelations sprinkled in along the way, to you guessing until the very end.

Explosive exploits & fiery fun! Don’t miss it.

Intrigued? Well, the fun continues in the second book.

The Shattered Realm of Ardor Benn

After the impressive ending to The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn, I was itching to see how Tyler Whitesides would keep the story fresh and continue Ardor Benn’s journey. Suffice to say, I wasn’t disappointed, though the cover blurb barely gives a hint of what’s coming.


Ardor Benn saved civilization from imminent destruction, but his efforts brought war to the kingdom. It is believed that the rightful rulers have all been assassinated. However, a young heir might have survived.

An ancient organization known as The Realm is behind the chaos, working from the shadows. Under the anonymity of masks, information is distributed sparingly. Ard's been hired to infiltrate them, but he's got competition from an old friend. One who's set to prove she's better than the self-proclaimed 'Ruse Artist Extraordinaire.'

If Ard can't find the heir, then his world may again approach ruin. Stopping the complete and utter collapse of civilization is quickly becoming Ard's specialty.


Yes, in the aftermath of Ardor Benn’s greatest ever ruse to date, charlatans and cutthroats rush to fill the void left by the death of a king who – for all his failings – had brought a decades-long peace to a land beset by racial pride and religious intolerance. And none are more devious than the Realm, an ancient criminal organization that feels it has a God-given right to control and direct society as they see fit.

Now, if that isn’t a challenge to Ardor Benn’s sense of mischief, then I don’t know what is. Sure enough, events start spiraling out of control when different factions representing the Realm, the King, and the Prime Isless, begin trying to influence matters with their own personal agendas in mind. Of course, Ardor Benn gets involved. That’s when things get complicated. Very complicated, very quickly.

And what follows is an immensely enjoyable romp through the visceral underbelly of a civilization on the verge of collapse. Collapse? Ah, there are secrets you don’t know about yet. And as Ardor and his fellow conspirators are drawn deeper into an ever expanding web of lies, the dark history of this marvelous world is uncovered, and yanked up into the light for all to see.

And that’s the great thing about this story. Not only has Tyler Whitesides managed to avoid the ‘second-book-dip’ that plagues so many writers, but he’s blown the story arc out of the water. (literally – you’ll see). As before, this is a thumping big book. Even so, the plot has so many twists and turns, you’ll be wondering what direction you’re heading in. Yet it’s all held together by clever pacing, a great plot, and just the right balance of sparky characters that you’ll end up hating the baddies and rooting for our heroes and heroines right down to the spectacularly climactic end.

Too much fun to miss! I can’t wait to see where Whitesides takes us next.

The Last Lies of Ardor Benn

To be honest, I wondered how best to introduce this, the final book in the Kingdom of Grit trilogy, and couldn’t make my mind up. So, here’s the back cover blurb to ease you in:

Ardor Benn has takes his lies to a new level, infiltrating high society so he can steal a priceless resource. But now that he's on the inside, he finds himself poring over ancient texts, searching
for answers to his deepest questions. He discovers something is coming. Something world-ending.

Now, an old enemy is extorting him for one last job. Steal a live dragon. He doesn't know how, and he doesn't know why. But he's got a feeling that it's a job he has to take. Only problem is, Ard's running short on time and shorter on lies. And his personal ambitions are alienating all of his allies.

With no one else to rely on, he'll have to trust the one person nobody else does: himself.

As you can see, the blurb doesn’t give away a great deal. And that’s perfect. Because this isn’t just another book. It’s not just the finale to another trilogy. It’s a tale about the ruse to end all ruses. And only one person in existence stands a chance of pulling it off: Ardor Benn. There’s so much I want to say, because this is a wonderfully complex and intricate story. But how to do that without dropping hints and spoilers everywhere? I’ll be guided by the blurb itself.

The story unfolds a couple of years after the events of The Shattered Realm. Ardor Benn has been pardoned for his crimes and is now a studious man, trying to live a quiet life as he picks apart clues to the Chain’s future from ancient texts. The trouble is, his former enemies are making that rather difficult. The Queen may have exonerated him, but many of the people Ardor has scammed in the past are less willing to forgive and forget. In fact, a few are downright hostile!

Even worse, one of those disgruntled associates knows things. Things he shouldn’t. Quite how, neither Ardor, Raek nor Quarrah can fathom. What follows is a multifarious caper, fraught with mystery, intrigue and danger, where Ardor is expected to steal a mature dragon while avoiding the authorities and determined individuals out to murder him.

And if they weren’t already, things get complicated when Ardor discovers that his small band of misfits is being guided by, of all things, Urgings. And when he then realizes just where those Urgings are coming from? Wow! Hold on to your collective hats, because THAT’s when things take off for real.

I enjoyed The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn. It was an explosive introduction to a brand-new world where anything was possible if you were only prepared to go out and make it happen. That enjoyment was compounded by the second book in the series, The Shattered Realm of Ardor Benn, which went on to reveal ancient secrets as to the origins of mankind and the other
beings that populate the Greater Chain. And here, in The Last Lies of Ardor Benn, the story comes full circle in a way you won’t anticipate; in ways that will delight as much as frustrate you. Because make no mistake, the world is ending. . .

And THAT’s what makes this weighty digest of a trilogy so exceptional. Tyler Whitesides’ ability to sweep you along in a roister-doister riot of a yarn, while tripping you up with unexpected twists and turns when you least expect them.

The Last Lies of Ardor Benn. An exceptionally sad, but oh so satisfying conclusion to an epic trilogy that ensures you’ll want to see the ruse through to the bittersweet end.

If you want to start 2025 off in a way that you’ll remember, then you can’t go far wrong with this most excellent series.

So, until the next time,

Dive in, open the pages, and most important of all. . .

Happy reading.

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