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Steven Barnes shares an unusual book layout
Advice for graduates: How to spot an idiot.
Are “Nasty Superheroes” affecting the MCU?
Something you probably already suspected: Starfish bodies are just heads.
Frank Wu posts some free fiction: Poison
Jay Sizemore receives Writer’s Digest Award for Best Self-publihsed Poetry Book
Arthur Sellers points out that independent media might not be so independent
Video from the first Dutch SF television show, from the 50s, turns up on YouTube, with the ominous title: Tomorrow It Will Happen
Indonesian pyramid much older than originally believed: may have been built at least 16,000 years ago
Now you know why 50’s SF didn’t need computers: They had Swift’s Space Travel Guide
Regina Kanyu Wang has a couple of new publications out: A short story A Record of Lost Time and World Science Fiction Frontier 1/2023 (the latter Chinese only)
Nnedi Okorafor awarded Arthur Clarke Foundation’s Award for Imagination in Service to Society
Heliosphere announces 2024 Guests
Charlie Stross, from a talk delivered at Next Frontiers Applied Fiction Day in Stuttgart German, says the future is marketing tool
THE most anticipated cartoon movie has been shelved: Coyote Vs Acme
Michael Whelan interviewed for NY Times article “What Happens to Illustrators When Robots Can Draw?”
“Monster” Galaxy captured by Webb
Samuel Delany shares an excellent piece on Judith Merrill
More Nnedi: A free read from Lightspeed Magazine: Stones
Add Euclid to your space telescope inventory
Lucy asteroid flyby reveals some unexpected details
Israel shoots down Houthi missile in first “Space War”
Cosmic “Happy Holidays Tree” captured by Webb
Italian super volcano showing disturbing signs
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