Light Speed Engine defies physics (EXACTLY!)
Blast from Television’s Past: Family Feud (which I personally consider to be one nearly immeasurable step above Wheel of Fortune in terms of TV Game Shows for Idiots) apparently did a special that pitted TV show families against each other. Batman vs Gilligan’s Island is sufficiently genre adjacent, but Lost in Space vs Hawaiin Eye takes the cake – edgeing out ALL others by allowing this: “Name an evil you’ve never tried, but have considered trying.” “Rape” was offered as an answer. Watch it, or don’t here. Gilligan’s Island vs Batman too. (Mini Editorial: Things sure have changed, haven’t they? Now if you want to talk about rape on national television, you have to be a member of the Republican House Minority.)
Star Trek:Strange New Worlds trailer
Book Banning may be a more widespread epidemic than Covid. And has “SPIKES”
One Wheel “Bike” reminiscent of Roger’s Astounding Stories cover for Heinlein’s The Roads Must Roll
AI Artist draws “anything”
Pink Floyd Records Pro-Ukraine anthem
Invisibility Shield Kickstarter.
Bosons are upsetting the physics applecart, again.
Barbara Hambly gets to name Spock! Oh, wait a sec…
Solar Eclipse Coming to Select Theaters Next Year
Wire Heads Will Most Likely Become a Thing (Could endless orgasms cause the collapse of civilization?)
Russia, Belarus Barred from ESFS Awards & More; Ukrainians win several awards and a Brief Report From Kyiv
An essay on adaptations of 1984
Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki is the first African writer nominated for the Hugo, in the novelette category, & the first African born, Black writer nominated for the Hugo award at all
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