AMAZING NEWS! Amazing Stories Acquires Amazing Stories

The Experimenter Publishing Company, LLC, owners of Amazing Stories, are pleased to announce that they have acquired the URL.

The company has been using as its primary web address for the past several years while it has been working on the acquisition of the “Holy Grail” of web addresses for science fiction websites.

Once technical operations have been completed, members and visitors will be able to access the website using the original web address (, an alternate address – or the newly acquired  (Those members and visitors who already have a cached address will not need to make any changes unless they so choose.)

The Experimenter Publishing Company, LLC, anticipates that in the relatively near future, content on the website will be split between the two domains, with the …Mag address hosting magazine content (fiction, artwork and non-fiction articles) while AmazingStories content will be devoted to the SF community and the blog content of daily posts.  Transitioning between the two will be easy and obvious.

Stay tuned for additional future announcements!

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