When An Unaccompanied Service Dog Approaches You, Its NOT Looking For a Cookie (Good info here)
Thoughts on California’s Blackouts
Troll Farms – Bad for Democracy
DHS List of Words Monitored on Social Media
Smuggler’s Saw Through Trump’s “Impenetrable” Wall or Trump Border Wall: $21.7 Million per mile. Cordless Sawsall: $100.00. Sawing Through the Border Wall – Priceless
A giant flame shooting mechanical spider is now available to help liven up your live event
Military Bot Goes Through Its Paces
Want to Scare the FBI? Invoke Ray Bradbury’s Name
Star Wars The Manalorian, Looks Better Than the Upcoming Film
“Salvage 1” Capsule Seen Beside a Road in Oklahoma
Gerrold Announces Halloween Contest Winner – Ruth Vader Ginsberg
A Gallery of Couples in Costume for Halloween
This one is for Bob Eggleton: Giant Godzilla Attraction Installed at Theme Park
Rathbone, Karloff, Lorre & Price
Haffner Press has MORE Kuttner
Werewolves of London, a Warren Zevon hit, re-written by “James Joyce”
New Release: Janet Morris’ Dream Dancer
Why Did Univesale Studios Decide to go on a Monster Movie Jag?
Norman Spinrad’s Retracted Book Review
THIS is How You Do It: 650 People-Chain Moves Library Books
Kimberly Unger Announces Sale to Galaxy’s Edge (Read Kimberly’s Posts for Amazing Stories Here)
Cool! Tents for refugees that store solar energy and collect water.
Satellie Crashes in Backyard (It was a balloon-launched “satellite”)
Not Only is there such a thing as a “quantum knot”, but they untangle themselves too
Scientists Propose Method for Identifying Wormholes
Humanity’s Birthplace Identified