Spinrad Deplatformed
Asimov’s took down Norman Spinrad’s “On Books” column (linked in the October 29 Scroll) and will make an explanation later: (The text is still available at Pastebin.) Reportedly, one of Spinrad’s posts SFWA’s private forums was also deleted not long

Clarke Award Opens for Submissions
The Arthur C. Clarke Award administrators have announced they are taking submissions for the 34th presentation of the award in 2020. The prize is open to science fiction novels that received their first UK publication in 2019, written in English

Pixel Scroll 10/30/19 Pixels And Gatherings Of Pixels, File Beyond File Without End, The Light
FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND. Vaught Contemporary Ballet once again will perform Dune, The Ballet on November 2 at the Chesapeake Arts Center in Brooklyn Park, which is outside Baltimore. Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel, Dune, is widely recognized as the

2019 Prix Julia Verlanger
Congratulations to Tade Thompson, winner of the for his novel Les Meurtres de Molly Southbourne (Le Bélial’) [published in English as The Murders of Molly Southbourne.] The winner was announced at the Nantes Utopiales Festival on

Paul Turner
By John Hertz: (1936-2019) has died. He left our stage near the end of last month. His son called me. I reported to the October 24th meeting of Paul’s club and mine, the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. I still have few

Pixel Scroll 11/1/19 We Are The Pixels That Say “Scroll!”
TWO NEW TAFF EBOOK FUNDRAISERS. David Langford says they were unable to locate the final speech, but all the rest of The Serious Scientific Talks by Bob Shaw are now available as an ebook which you can download free

2020 TAFF Race Starts 11/4
Michael Lowrey and Ann Totusek are the candidates in the 2020 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund race. One of them will be voted North American fandom’s representative to Concentric: Eastercon 2020, taking place in Birmingham, UK from April 10-13. Geri Sullivan, North

Asimov’s Reposts Spinrad Column with Statement
Asimov’s has put Norman Spinrad’s “On Books” column back online. It’s now preceded by this statement from editor Sheila Williams: We took the Norman Spinrad column down from our website because we heard many concerns from readers. I’m putting it

Top 10 Posts for October 2019
The arrest of the king of the Society for Creative Anachronism’s East Kingdom on a charge of second degree murder was a startling piece of news, and many came here to read more about it — the SCA only announced

2019 SciFi Weekender Awards
The winners of the inaugural SciFi Weekender Awards were announced on October 31 at SciFi Weekender Part 2 in Great Yarmouth, UK. SFW Master Act The Dark Room SFW Rising Star Tom Paton SFW Best Author Adrian Tchaikovsky SFW Artist

2019 Macavity Awards
Mystery Readers International announced the winners of the on October 31 at Bouchercon in Dallas, TX. The Macavity Award is named for the “mystery cat” of T.S. Eliot (Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats). Each year the

Pixel Scroll 10/31/19 The World of Scroll-A
CUTTING CAPERS. The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures picked a highly suitable day to announce they have added an important item to their collection. (2) KNIVES OUT AT JPL. No gourd is safe when “NASA-JPL Holds Its Annual Pumpkin-Carving

Rondon Arraigned
Luis Rondon, former king of the Society for Creative Anachronism’s East Kingdom, was arraigned in Orange County (NY) on October 25, charged with second degree murder for the fatal beating of a New Windsor, NY woman. The judge entered a

Dream Foundry Short Story Contest Finalists
Dream Foundry announced the finalists of its inaugural writing contest for writers of speculative fiction on October 29. The contest was open to anyone with a completed short story who had not yet been professionally paid for their work. The

Pixel Scroll 10/29/19 Neither Wind Nor Fire Nor Darkness Shall Prevent The Pixels From Scrolling
WOKE 100. Essence has named two well-known sff authors to its 2019 Woke 100. This year’s list includes women who exemplify the true meaning of being change agents and power players. Working in areas from social justice to politics

Roddenberry Jr. and Daley Discuss Star Trek and Human Destiny in LA on 11/2
Tad Daley will be live on stage in conversation with Gene Roddenberry Jr. — son of the legendary creator of Star Trek – on November 2. Daley explains, “We’re NOT going to discuss whether warp drives and phasers-on-stun and ‘beam

Uncanny Magazine Issue 31 Launches 11/5
The 31st issue of four-time Hugo winner Uncanny Magazine, which also won a 2019 British Fantasy Award this month, will be available on November 5. Hugo Award-winning Publishers Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas are proud to present the 31st issue

Pixel Scroll 10/28/19 I Robot — R U Robot?
JUST LET ME GO NATURALLY. Naomi Booth gives an overview of eco-horror in her essay “For Some Horror Writers, Nothing Is Scarier Than a Changing Planet” in the New York Times. “Why does climate change cast a much smaller

Review of Stephen King’s The Institute
Editor’s Introduction: Daniel Dern is a big Stephen King fan and hopes you’ll become one, too. His previous evangelical post was “An Evening With (As In, They’re On Stage, I’m In The Audience) Stephen and Owen King, On Tour Promoting

10th Xingyun (Nebula) Awards for Global Chinese Science Fiction
The winners of the were announced by World Chinese Science Fiction Society at the ceremony in Chongqing, China on October 27, 2019. The winners are indicated in boldface. Best Novel The

Space Cowboys in Austin
By Sheila Addison: Labor Day Weekend, I had the opportunity to visit the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin, TX. The museum is hosting a special exhibit, “COWBOYS IN SPACE AND FANTASTIC WORLDS: A journey

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