Amazing Stories friend, artist and author Bob Eggleton requests that fans help him support the prevention of child abuse.
From Bob: “the paperback of the second edition of Rarity from the Hollow was released on November 3, 2016.
It will be released in all formats and to various bookstores shortly, including Amazon. Please click on the link to go to Lulu and then click “Like” on the right.
It’s a free and easy way to help Rarity from the Hollow and its mission to support child abuse prevention.
Please ask as many people to do the same as you can. It only takes a few seconds.”
I’m doing it – readers, please do so as well!
For a limited period, the eBook version of Rarity from the Hollow is on sale for $2.99 and the Paperback is on sale for $16.99. Author proceeds contribute to the prevention of child maltreatment: Project Updates: