Issue 1, Vol 1 cover
The literary world of SF/F/H just got a lot more accessible with the first installment of hopefully many more issues of Red Sun Magazine. Issue 1, Vol 1 July- November comes to us courtesy of No Sell Out Productions, and as the name of the periodical implies, it is one of the shiny new stars in the infinite galaxy of fandom.
Though Red Sun Magazine is available three times a year in the classic print format, the electronic version (reviewed here) is just as pleasing. In traditional magazine form, the publication includes interviews, reviews, and of course, a host of original short stories.
The magazine begins with an interview with writer David Morrell (conducted by Michael Johnson), an odd choice for this publication since he is perhaps most renowned for his works in action drama and the creation of the popular Rambo stories. Sure Morrell’s contribution to our favorite genres with novels like Creepers and Scavenger definitely earns him some recognition, but it was a bit of a surprise here, especially since those works gained minimal mention. But don’t despair because the questions regarding his personal tragedies and the influence they played in his writing are quite touching.
This dialog is immediately followed by an interview with author and co-creator of the D&D Dragonlance world, Margaret Weis (conducted by Michael McHenry). The conversation seems very casual, which allows readers to see a more personal side of what goes into creating new worlds and what they can expect from the author in the future.
Perhaps the most compelling interview is with author Aeryn Rudel (also conducted by Michael McHenry) which comes near the end of Red Sun Magazine. Rudel’s literary contribution to this first issue is the fast paced short story “Paper Cut”, about the darker side of crime and the blood that follows. This is a fine introduction to the author’s work. And in turn, the interview allows them to gain insight on what they just read.
There are two book reviews included in this publication covering the novels The IX by Andrew P. Weston and Eternal War by Livio Gambarini. Both of these assessments were provided by fellow Amazing Stories contributor Ann Stolinsky, so “we” already know going in that these reports will be both insightful and entertaining. Keeping readers informed about some of the work available in the genre has always been a valuable staple provided by magazines, and they do a nice job here.
In addition to the aforementioned short story “Paper Cut”, readers will also be treated with tales of ghost ships and robots in David W. Amendola’s tension filled “The Orion Incident”, nightmarish horrors in “Taste the New Drug” by Rhoads Brazos, and a frightening struggle for survival in Brenda Kezar’s fast paced “Star Jelly”. All of these works are adorned by fitting images by Joas Miller, which helps bring a sense of cohesion to the three individual stories.
In addition to the print publication, Red Sun Magazine is complemented by an eye pleasing website that provides even more interviews, original fiction, and fresh news in the genre. And for those talented writers who would like to contribute to the magazine, this is also where you will find the guidelines for your submissions. But even if you don’t get to visit their site as often as you would like or can’t wait for the next (triannual?) publication, readers are encouraged to sign up for their monthly newsletter called Red Dwarf, where you will be treated with flash fiction, comics, art, and poetry delivered directly to your email.
Welcome aboard; fandom can always use some more bright spots like the Red Sun Magazine. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the next issue.
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