Starting this week – Wednesday, August 13th, Amazing Stories will publish Felix R. Savage’s latest novel THE GALAPAGOS INCIDENTin serial form.
Each day we’ll publish a new chapter of this exciting new novel. And if you get to anxious and can’t stand waiting to see what’s going to happen next, well, you’ll be able to purchase the ebook! Or maybe you can talk us into printing more than a chapter once per week.
This is just like the old days folks – good solid science fiction tales you can sink your teeth into, coming at you in pieces. But unlike the old monthly issue days, we’re doing this once a week with an opt-out to get the whole thing.
And of course, no running around to newsstands to find the issue you missed with that all-important middle section – we’ll be archiving the whole thing right here!
Stick it on your calendar – Wednesday, August 13th is The Galapagos Incident Day!