Anime roundup 10/11/2013: Boob Tube
In this week’s viewing: Your reviewer embarks on a journey through Light Novel Adaptation Hell! Plus a few shows that look more promising…
Octavia Butler, o el peso de la diferencia
Octavia Butler era una chica negra, pobre, inusualmente alta, tímida, tartamuda, disléxica y lesbiana. Desde muy joven tuvo una idea bastante clara de lo que era la discriminación en sus muchas formas y utilizó la ciencia ficción para explorar temas sociales antiguos y modernos.
Classic Science Fiction: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
The pope emeritus has written a letter to prominent Italian atheist Piergiorgio Odifreddi, rebutting Odifreddi’s critique of Benedict’s theology. And in it he displays an appreciation for science fiction.
Why Science Fiction Has a Troubled Relationship With Utopias
Maybe it’s time to donate to SETI … and vote for politicians who believe that Gross National Happiness is less important than Gross National Aerospace Investment.
Is Science Fiction Fundamentally Retro?
Jaron Lanier says science fiction is fundamentally retro. Is he right? Do SOOPER SPACE ROCKETZZZ run on Ribena?
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