It got bad reviews and didn’t spark a series of sequels, but I maintain “Superman Returns” (2006) with Brandon Routh was a pretty decent Superman movie. It just got a bad rap. What do YOU think?

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Book Review: Vicious, by V.E. Schwab

V.E. (Victoria) Schwab’s people are called EO, for ExtraOrdinary people; people with something extra. These abilities are not genetic, nor are they the result of spilled chemicals (The Flash), extraterrestrial birth (Superman) or encounters with supernatural forces (The Mask); EOs gain their powers by an unfortunate encounter with mortality.

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When Our Heroes are Villains

Don’t do this; don’t do that: a mantra of the adult world. Growing up, things were so simple: the good guys do good; the bad guys do bad. And somewhere, sometime, somebody drew the line […]

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