Captain Marvel vs The Right Stuff
One of the ways writer Kelly Sue DeConnick is developing the new Captain Marvel is by giving her firm links to the history and culture of women’s aviation. This approach combines the real world and […]
One of the ways writer Kelly Sue DeConnick is developing the new Captain Marvel is by giving her firm links to the history and culture of women’s aviation. This approach combines the real world and […]
After the first half hour, Doctor Strange somehow turned into a spectacular but oddly empty experience.
The flawed heroes and the shared universe weren’t the only revolutions that Stan Lee brought to the business
Ebooks and more ebooks! Cheap and plentiful; Steve finds them for you! Oh, and Steve reviews two so-so “horror flicks” that should have been better. But that’s what the film industry seems to be offering this week!
This week Steve takes a second look at Marvel’s two most recent movies, Deadpool and Ant-Man, and finds one much better than the other… but YMMV! Also a couple of tips for writers who may be stuck.
Suyperhero films: Marvel succeeds, DC fails. Could the difference be one of character?
Two new reviews by Steve: the new Michael Moorcock book and The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Are they worth it? You bet they are!
Steve stomps on several sucky SF/F movies. All had good actors; should have been better.
There is a lot of mystery and excitement in the comic edition of SGT. Fury Special Marvel Edition – Captain America and Bucky. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby hid a lot more than just secret identities between their characters as readers see the early signs of unbeatable teamwork – a foreshadow of S.H.I.E.L.D. and things to come.
John takes a look at the ever shifting background stories and world histories as comics move from books to film.
Samantha Henry gives us a glimpse into what she will be watching this year.
We never got to find out what happened to Peggy Carter after Captain America left her.
Is it possible to be Team Marvel and Superman (stand alone) at the same time? Because that is where I am….
Talking animals and floating heads. You know you want it.
Any SF library without Edgar Rice Burroughs and John Carter of Mars is hardly complete. Burroughs’ John Carter series captured the imagination of many noted SF writers, like Ray Bradbury, early in their youth. As […]
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