Starship Century

Today we are offering multiple and multi-lingual reviews of the James and Gregory Benford anthology – STARSHIP CENTURY. The Benfords put together an anthology that represents the proceedings of the Starship Century Symposium, a gathering […]

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The Geek Test: What’s Your Score?

I believe people of all types should be able to join in geek events and have fun whether they’re sufficiently geek credentialed or not, but I wondered how one might one go about quantitatively evaluating “geekiness”

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Discovering the Invasion

The Invasion by Robert Willey takes us back to the era of a war torn United States fighting the good fight. At the same time, the story also opens the reader’s mind to some of the most fantastic speculations in space travel of the period.

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What’s the Deal with 3D Printing?

3D printing has popped up in science fiction for ages: recall the Star Trek crew materializing food in the microwave-like “replicator” or Neal Stephenson’s “matter compilers” in The Diamond Age. The appeal of creating whatever […]

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Meditation on Cassini

Just stop for a moment and look at the picture above. It’s a picture of Earth as seen from the planet Saturn. The photo was taken by the Cassini Spacecraft yesterday. Just look at it […]

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Science Fiction and UFOs

I remember when I joined the Science Fiction Book Club back in 1963, one of the selections was Donald Keyhoe’s bestseller UFOs Are Real. I bought it and The Man in the High Castle and […]

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