2014: A Year in Review

Guardians-GalaxyMerry Christmas everyone! It’s Christmas Eve Eve. It’s Christmas Eve Eve!!! Can you tell I am excited? Well yes, yes I am, but I also thought I would use this time to reflect on the great sci-fi I have experienced and enjoyed on the big and small screen this year. So here is what has floated my boat, had me begging someone, anyone to discuss it with me and had me gagging to see it again. Next week, I’ll be looking ahead to what I’m looking forward to in 2015…

Guardians of the Galaxy – the first Marvel collective that I didn’t know anything about ahead of the announcement (there are a lot more like this to come for me, Ant Man, Doctor Strange  to name just two). This film smashed box offices, it was funny, well written, well cast and just highly entertaining. The make up was incredible, as were the special effects, and well, I’m still waiting to buy my Dancing Baby Groot (hurry up and actually release it Marvel!). I’ve already watched my Blu-Ray a couple of times and probably will again before the end of the year.

The Flash – the spin off from Arrow is brilliant. And having the tow shows running alongside and sometimes crossing over is just great. Giving us a bit of a taster of what we can expect from the Justice League movie I hope.

The Vampire Diaries – With Damon ‘dying’ and coming back and Bonnie still stuck in limbo land, this year TVD has given us an incredible cliff hanger, followed by a really exciting Fall season.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – the major Hydra twist and link to Captain America: The Winter Soldier (the film literally sat between two episodes) the show that started of pretty slow and was at risk of being canned turn into one of the most epic shows of 2014.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier – as referenced above, it worked alongside Marvel’s TV show, but really stepped up from the first film. The Captain’s first outing was as popular as the rest of the Avenger films, I liked it, but could see why others didn’t. This time round, I was completely hooked, sitting in the cinema questioning what this meant for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Interstellar  – Christopher Nolan at his best. He just keeps producing truly brilliant science fiction movies for the masses. People have said to me it is the best sci-fi since Inception and I have to agree.

X-Men: Days of Future Past – All of the cast of the original movies and the prequels. There was just a truly epic cast on this film you simply had to be excited to see this.

What got you talking this year?

Image source: media.gunaxin.com

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