Book Cover: The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston

Matt’s Reviews: The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston

Publisher:                Macmillan Audio   Publication Year: 2014   Format:                 CD    Disks:                   10    ISBN-10:              1427243832    ISBN-13:              978-1427243836    Author:                Preston, Douglas    Read by:              Scott Sowers […]

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Excerpt: Kiva, Issue 1

KIVA follows a courageous dog separated from his owner in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Issue 1 takes place on the eve of the disaster and hints at the savage reality to come. […]

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Time Machine: July 21, 2024

AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: July 21, 2024 Reality and Artificial Intelligence Novedades de Junio 3 y 4 The Big Idea: R. B. Lemberg Matt’s Reviews: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu New Releases in Science […]

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Warner Holme Review: Firsts & Lasts Review by Warner Holme: Laura Silverman’s Firsts & Lasts is a themed anthology with a rather wide scope. While at first glance the concept is of covering important final […]

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Robot Reading

Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Given the nature of the current artificial intelligence or AI landscape, any attempt to discuss the technology is like trying to describe an ocean wave racing towards you. You might posit that the wave’s amplitude […]

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The Big Idea: R. B. Lemberg

Don’t let today’s Big Idea fly by you. Dive into author R. B. Lemberg’s Big Idea as they walk you through the construction of their newest novel, Yoke of Stars. R. B. LEMBERG: Two years ago, […]

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Novedades de Junio 3 y 4

Con las debidas disculpas del caso. Primero estuve de voluntaria el la semana del orgullo gay y no tuve tiempo de escribir… a la semana siguiente estuve con una gripe terrible. Recién me estoy recuperando. […]

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Book Cover: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

Matt’s Reviews: Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

   Publisher:                      Hesperus Press    Publication Date:         Reprint edition (2014)    Original Publication:  1872   Length:                          112 Pages   ISBN-10:                       1843914727   ISBN-13:                       978-1843914723 Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu is a classic gothic vampire story […]

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Unexpected Questions with Markus Heitz

Markus Heitz: Wearing always black and silver rings as an Old-School-Goth (because, well, right, he is old), ironic and sarcastic and always working on the next project. The Manic-creative type. Full-time story inventor, studied history, occasional songwriter, radio […]

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Excerpt: Kiva, Issue 1

KIVA follows a courageous dog separated from his owner in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Issue 1 takes place on the eve of the disaster and hints at the savage reality to come. […]

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CLUBHOUSE: Review: Fusion Fragment Magazine #21

OBIR: Occasional Biased and Ignorant Reviews reflecting this reader’s opinion. FUSION FRAGMENT MAGAZINE #21 – May 2024. Publisher: Fusion Fragment, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Editor: Cavan Terrill Cover Art: by Abi Stevens Elizabeth Yu is a […]

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Time Machine: July 14, 2024

Amazing News: 7/14/2024 – Post Political Theater Day AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: July 14, 2024 Noticias Literatura 12-7 The Big Idea: P.H. Low New Releases in Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance for JULY 10 Proposal Advocates for […]

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Interview With He Xi, 2024 Hugo Finalist INTRODUCTION: Eight Light Minutes(8LM) Culture of Chengdu has given permission for File 770 to reprint the series of interviews with Chinese science fiction writers which they have been running this week […]

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The Big Idea: P.H. Low

There is the myth of being forever young — but what about the forever that comes after that? P.H. Low has given this some thought in These Deathless Shores, and in this Big Idea, is […]

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