Here’s the weekly post from my author blog on the new releases I found to be of interest in my three favorite romance genres (which are also the ones I write in!), and related areas such as time travel, steampunk, paranormal cozy romances and more. I do sometimes cover other releases of note in science fiction and fantasy.

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts). I don’t pick up every single new release each week but try to provide a representative subset and lots of choices.

Here’s a teaser for this week’s first two books (jump to the blog to see the approximately 87+ titles featured this week):


VS Note: I can’t WAIT to read this! I have it pre-ordered. Her DARK HORSE, which is where these characters first appeared, is one of my all time favorite SFR novels.

A step into the unknown . . .Rose is looking forward to meeting the Fisone as part of the United Council’s outreach mission. Since the Tecran were defeated, and the full scope of their crimes were uncovered, the UC has wanted to find the Tecran’s victims and extend the hand of friendship. The fact that Rose is close to having her baby is just another element to the adventure of finding the Fisone’s planet and seeing if they could be potential allies. An explorer’s dream . . .Dav Jallan has been captain of the Barrist for a few years, but this is the first time he’s headed for a planet inhabited by advanced sentients. The Fisone exist—that is indisputable—and every part of this mission is why he became an explorer in the first place. The goal is to find them, form alliances, and make friends. The fact that he’s about to become a new father simply adds to his sense of excitement. A collision course with reality . . .When Sazo’s Class 5 and the Barrist enter the Fisone’s airspace, what they find is far from the uncomplicated meeting they had envisioned. The Fisone are divided, carrying a grudge, and are sure the Grih are no different from the Tecran they encountered the year before. When they take Rose as a hostage, both Dav and Sazo focus everything they have on finding her, and as the Fisone’s actions create more and more danger, ideas of alliances, friendship, and cooperation become less and less important. The only comfort both Dav and Sazo have to draw from is that Rose has been taken by others before, underestimated before, and her abductors have lived to regret it. They are counting on history repeating itself.


What’s worse than crash landing on an ice planet? Discovering that it’s controlled by a group of angry elves who escaped from the North Pole! Kringl wants nothing more than to return to his home world, but first he’ll have to escape from the frozen world that’s kept in a state of perpetual, joyless celebration. Even worse, it’s always Christmas Eve, but never Christmas Day. Joy is determined to escape the ice planet she and her fellow humans were marooned on years ago. She can’t stand the constant fake celebration or disgruntled elves who ensure they’re never rescued. When the handsome, blue alien and his crew arrive, Joy knows this is her chance. But when Kringl is captured, Joy must rescue him before they can both escape. That is, if the angry elves don’t stop them both.

Read more on Veronica Scott’s blog…

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