ABACUS and the Android Blast-Off by Angelique Fawns – FREE STORY

The littlest android competes for his life. Three rounds to see who will win! The biggest? The fastest? The smartest? Who knows, life isn’t fair! Stay tuned to discover what happens to our little hero!

ABACUS calculated his age as three minutes old. He twisted his square head and used his bottom ball to rotate for a complete look at this new world. Joy burbled up in his sensors as he whipped in circles with a whirring sound.

Spinning was fun!

His head clicked as the gears in his brain warmed up. He was in a human-constructed warehouse with three other androids. Snap, snap, snap went his electric impulses.

Counting and equating was even better than spinning!

This space was precisely 5004 square feet. About the area of a basketball court, according to his comparison functions. Colorful obstacles were set up in the corners. They appeared to be challenges

Excitement bloomed in his metal belly. He was programmed to love challenges.

A screen behind him flashed, “BLAST-OFF! TESTING ANDROIDS + PROTOTYPES.”

Spectators sat along the wall on chairs. He counted them. Forty humans. Most onlookers wore pale overalls. A woman in a red catsuit, the ruby in the sea of white, gave him a wink.

He spun his head shyly and purred. He was enjoying his new existence. A new message flashed on the screen.


He bleeped in shock. Blown up?

The tickling excitement transformed into fear. These were challenges with consequences. ABACUS nervously indexed the other three robots, all labeled. He blipped a sinking sound. He was the smallest of the four. BRUTUS was blocky and had four arms. OPTIMUS had wings and slender hands. EINSTEIN was gold with intelligent eyes.

ABACUS trembled, his balls rattling together. He had wee arms that extended out of his middle sphere. With an icy feeling, he flashed “XXX” on his face.

EINSTEIN fluttered his hands to his chest. “Goodness me, are those little X’s kisses for me? Pleased to meet a fan.”

ABACUS gave a snort.

A sharp-faced woman addressed the audience. “All employees know who I am, but for the sales reps in the crowd, I’m Rissa Reese, Head of Development.”

ABACUS clasped his hands with a metal screech.

“We like to have a bit of fun testing our new models. A blast, if you will.” Rissa waited for the laughter. “The first challenge is a puzzle. Who will survive round one?”

A spotlight lit up an area that was set up with groups of colorful blocks. ABACUS rolled onto the circle with his name flashing in blue letters. He hummed to calm himself.

Rissa raised her hand. “And GO.” She slashed her arm down.

In a flurry of quick movements, OPTIMA assembled the pieces into a globe resembling planet Earth. ABACUS squeaked in surprise. His skinny arms couldn’t move at a tenth of that speed. He put the first few pieces together, and BRUTUS did the same.

EINSTEIN raised his hands over his head. “This was an invigorating start, but hardly arduous.” His puzzle was complete.

ABACUS froze for a second. If he didn’t complete the puzzle before the other enormous android, he would live and die in one day. He spun his head in a complete circle to calm himself and zoned in on the shape of the blocks.

He could see the solution mathematically. The block’s angles would fit perfectly only one way.

He finished a fraction before BRUTUS and rolled out of the area as fast as his bottom ball would roll.

The muscular android’s circle exploded. Bits and pieces of shrapnel bounced off ABACUS’s head. The explosion sent his synapses into a frenzy. With a series of high gibbering bleeps, he rolled into OPTIMA, knocking them both to the stage.

The sleek android used her wings to right herself and flapped over to the next challenge in a huff. ABACUS spun his big ball in humiliation, unable to right himself.

EINSTEIN leaned down to give him a hand. “I say, wee chap, that was quite the photo finish. Glad you beat our combatant cohort at the final computation.”

They moved to the next area where Rissa tapped her high-heeled shoe. It was a long bar and OPTIMA was already clinging to it with her hands and the tips of her wings. EINSTEIN helped ABACUS up. He extended his skinny little arms and clung on, silently thanking his designer for making his body light. His gold friend joined him, and as the tallest competitor, EINSTEIN’S feet remained on the ground.

EINSTEIN said, “I say, this is going to be –”

The floor slid open over a roaring fire. EINSTEIN, who hadn’t gripped the bar properly, fell into the pit with an anguished scream. ABACUS emitted a high-pitched wail and flashed “*#$%!!!!”

His new friend flailed and thrashed in the fire. ABACUS’s whole system felt cold as EINSTEIN disappeared into the flames, an astonished look melting from his face. ABACUS locked his fingers tight around the bar and swung up until his feet pointed to the ceiling.

OPTIMA gave him a withering look. “It’s getting hot in here, isn’t it, tin head? We all know who’s going to win this.” She let go of the bar and flew to the third and final obstacle.

ABACUS gathered some momentum by spinning and leaped back to the floor.

The final challenge consisted of two pool tables filled with balls. Each pocket was a different color and corresponded to a ball.

Rissa said, “This one is self-explanatory. The loser gets recycled, the winner gets mass-marketed! Go.”

OPTIMA hovered above the table and methodically sunk balls. ABACUS couldn’t shoot faster than the winged android. He blipped and flashed “0000.”

The lady in the catsuit caught his eye. “Go for it, little man.” She leaned forward in her chair, nodding.

ABACUS looked at the table and saw it. The mathematical solution in angles. If he hit the orange ball in just the right way, it would careen into the purple ball. With a single whack, he started a chain reaction.

Silence fell over the warehouse as OPTIMA sunk her third-to-last ball. ABACUS’s table cleared with a crescendo of clacks. Was it going to be enough? He flashed “!!!!” It was going to be close.

The tiny android’s last ball fell into its pocket a fraction of a second before his opponent’s.

OPTIMA’s work area exploded, but she flew up to the ceiling with her arms crossed over her chest. The table was in pieces, but she was fine.

ABACUS wheeled over to Rissa, “+++!” on his face.

She whispered to the red lady and then addressed the room. “Though ABACUS has won our challenge, OPTIMA’s performance has impressed us more. She will be our new prototype!”

ABACUS flashed “????????” while the crowd gathered around OPTIMA. He was alone by the pool tables.

Rissa looked over at ABACUS. “Destroy the calculator.”

ABACUS wheeled in panicked circles. Red lady raised her hand. “I’ll buy the droid.”

Rissa shrugged and nodded.

His new owner patted his head. “You are one of a kind and smart as a whip. My name is Dana, and I own a bar. You can help me do the books and serve drinks. Who wants to be mass-marketed anyway?”

ABACUS flashed “❤” and rolled after his new friend.

More challenges and computing. He couldn’t wait.



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