Courtesy of FANAC.Org, a PDF of Riverside Quarterly with Sam Moskowitz’s The Gernsback “Magazines” No One Knows.

More Hugo:  Hugo Gernsback and H.P. Lovecraft (featuring Lovecraft’s antisemitism)

Heliocentric on AI:  They have no judgement.  Neither do we.

Anti-Intellectualism and the Dumbing Down of America (you can substitute “Science Fiction Media” for America and far too many instances)

Netflix is cracking down on password sharing – like that’s going to work.

A 73 year old missive from Degler?  Maybe not….

“Blaxit”, the exodus of black creators from America

Double Header Eclipse Coming Our Way (Maybe Trump will try to look at BOTH of them….)

Dave Langford announces the arrival of Ted White’s The Fantastic Editorials (will soon be followed by a volume of his Amazing editorials)

John Purcell discovers that sorting through fanzines can be a rewarding experience

A large collection of fan photos from Dave Rike on the Internet Archive – Rotsler, Virginia Kidd, Ackerman, 12th Worldcon, more)

David Agranoff shares some DICKensian notes and pics

Leigh Bracket and Star Wars


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