Meet Edmund Schluessel (Scriptor in Fabula Program)

Months ago I decided to make a program about foreign writers living in Finland, and finally here it is. The name is Scriptor in Fabula and is a different kind of interview.

Three of the writers included are science fiction and fantasy ones, so I decided is a good idea to present them also here, at Amazing Stories.

The first one is Edmund Schluessel a PhD physicist with PGCE teaching qualification that also writes good science fiction. But there is more: An avid socialist activist, he helped organize Finland’s largest demonstration against Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin in  Helsinki, Finland.

Here is the interview

You can find more about Edmund online via his Website, and/or follow him on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Go here if you would like to buy his first book, Infinite Metropolis (Written with Mikko Rauhala).

And finally go here to read his short story Security Theatre of Cruelty at Curious Fiction


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