AmazingCon 2020 Videos Added to Amazing Stories TV Channel

We keep on adding videos of readings, panels and presentations recorded during AmazingCon 2020 to the Amazing Stories TV Channel on Youtube daily.

We’ll eventually have everything that was recorded (and we have permissions to use) up on the site.  Not only do the recordings give you an opportunity to catch up with your favorite authors and Fannish personalities, they’ll give you a taste of what you can expect from AmazingCon II, coming Match 12-14, 2021.

Check it out.

Videos of panels and readings featuring the following individualsare or will be added to the channel:

Michael Anderson, Marie Bilodeau, James Cambias, Patty Carvacho, Adam-Troy Castro, Noah Chinn, Dave Creek, Jennifer Crow, Julie Czerneda, Steve Davidson, Vincent DiFate, Sally Fogel, Jen Frankel, JM Frey, JF Garrard, Sean Grigsby, Jerru Hardesty, Chip Houser, G. Scott Huggins, Elizabeth Hurst, Rebecca Inch-Partridge, MD Jackson, Paula Johanson, Herb Kauderer, Daniel Kimmel, Kathy Kitts, Paul Levinson, Judy McCrosky, Jack McDevitt, Ron Miller, Petrea Mitchell, MJ Moores, Will Murray, Ira Nayman, Wendy Nikel, Julie Novakova, Lloyd Penney, Brad Preslar, Rhea Rose, Russ Scarola, Darrell Schweitzer, Veronica Scott, Alex Shvartsman, Steven H Silver, Rosie Smith, Bud Sparhawk, Hugh Spencer, Richard Dean Starr, Allen Steele, Somtow Sucharitkul, Kimberly Unger, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, Leslie Wicke, Erin Wilcox, Kermit Woodall, Matt Woolfenden.

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