Amazing Selects Releases – The Guns of Pluto, the Latest Captain Future Adventure by Allen Steele

Amazing Selects: Feature rich, fully illustrated novellas from some of your favorite SF authors

    • Series: Captain Future (Book 2)*
    • Paperback: 205 pages
    • Ebook File Size: 7383 KB
    • Publisher:Experimenter Publishing Co.
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1650006446
    • ISBN-13: 978-1650006444
    • ASIN: B08819JD5G
    • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5
    • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
    • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
    • X-Ray: Not Enabled
    • Word Wise: Enabled
    • Lending: Enabled
    • Screen Reader: Supported
    • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
    • *Book 1: Captain Future in Love by Allen Steele.  Paperback    Ebook


    At the edge of the Solar System, CAPTAIN FUTURE and the Futuremen discover a plot of interstellar proportions as they confront THE GUNS OF PLUTO.

    “Cold Hell” was what they called the Sputnik Planitia Penal Colony on Pluto: the toughest, deadliest penitentiary in all of space, a lock-up so remote and forbidding that it was built within an immense iceberg and is guarded by a race of cannibals.

    Considered escape-proof, Cold Hell was where the worst of the worst were sent, never to be dealt with again…until now.

    The mysterious Black Pirate has returned, in one swift move blowing open the cell block doors and taking hostages. He’s made demands for the liberation of his hostages, demands only one man can fulfill: Curt Newton, the adventurer known as Captain Future.

    Yet, as Curt and his strange crew race across the solar system, are they unwittingly entering a cunning trap laid for them by an old enemy?

    Strap in for the second installment of an epic space adventure by multiple Hugo Award-winning author ALLEN STEELE as he reinvents one of the classic Golden Age heroes of science fiction, Edmond Hamilton’s CAPTAIN FUTURE.

    Buy Captain Future Book 2: The Guns of Pluto in print or electronic editions
    Buy Captain Future Book 1: Captain Future in Love in print or electronic editions



    Available today in both print and ebook editions, The Experimenter Publishing Company, LLC., publishers of Amazing Stories magazine is proud to introduce this latest adventure in Allen Steele’s updated and modernized neo-pulp series – Edmond Hamilton’s CAPTAIN FUTURE.

    Amazing Selects are a growing line of novella length works accompanied by additional features and are illustrated throughout.

    Don’t forget to read the WHOLE story and pick up Book 1 – Captain Future in Love.

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