S.P. Somtow’s Story Selected for The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2020

Jon Eno’s title illustration for Another Avatar, Amazing Stories Fall 2019

S.P. Somtow – also known as Somtow Sucharitkul (fan, fanzine editor, author, composer, conductor, Explainer of things Thai) – author of Mall World, the Inquestor series (which has just seen the release of the fifth novel) – appeared in Amazing Stories special all fiction, all color, double-length first year anniversary issue, Fall 2019 with his story Another Avatar.

John Joseph Adams, publisher of Lightspeed, Nightmare and Fantasy magazines, along with guest editor Diana Gabaldon, just released the table of contents for The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2020, and they’ve included Somtow’s story in the line up!

We’re very proud to have originally published this story – we knew it was something special when it came through the transom – and we congratulate Somtow on a triumphant return to publication!

Over the past two years, Amazing Stories itself has won a Best Magazine of the Year award and its authors have been nominated for numerous and won Rhysling awards.  The selection of Somtow’s story for an important annual anthology represents another milestone for the magazine.

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