and say Andre Norton is my person, although my reasons are somewhat different, I think.
of other, alien civilizations that came before, beings that we would never know firsthand but would always puzzle over when we found traces of their existence.
She called them the Forerunners. I relished the adventures her characters had in a well-established world. The camaraderie her main characters always found
with a select group of like-minded people, be it the Space Rangers or the Free Traders, made me (an only child for eight years) happy!
I understand at the time Ms. Norton was writing and especially in her science fiction (as opposed to the Witch World fantasy series), romance wasn’t a “done”
thing. Thank goodness we can write science fiction romance now and have fully formed female characters who want their part in the adventure and in solving
the problems to arrive at a Happily Ever After.
glimpses of all the other stuff, just enough to leave me wanting more. Because I always enjoyed that element of her plots so much, I try to create similar
worlds to the best of my ability. For the SFRs, which occur in a future galactic civilization called the Sectors, I have a detailed backstory for myself about things and events that happened before the humans ever got out there. I work hints into the plots as I can.
planet-based happenings, I like to have a mix of mystery and mythology, unique to that world but also sometimes tied back to those unknowable civilizations
that “came before”. Then as I write the story, I ask myself “why this…” and how does that…” and “if I lived on this planet what would I…” The novels may be
science fiction, based in a technological, galactic civilization, but I want there to be that element of something else, something mystical, that can’t quite be explained. By anyone!
loved her assumption that humans would get out there into the galaxy and we’d have adventures. I knew I could write stories but I also knew I’d never be any
good at creating actual technical discussions of how the darn blasters worked. So for a long time I doubted I could ever get published but then I’d remind myself of all her books and know that I could.
This article was originally posted on SFF Seven
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