We have launched an Indiegogo campaign to support our 1 Year Anniversary Special Edition, which will feature fiction from some big names, cover art by Vincent Di Fate, have extra content and will be printed in full color. Visit the campaign here – Amazing Stories Special All Color Issue
Transwomen on Feminism and Equality
Immigration Activist Knows the Law (you should to. When is a warrant not a warrant?)
Capitol MInistries wants to convert our government officials, on taxpayer’s dime
Will China be the first country to talk to aliens?
Bergen NJ High Schoolers Put Aliens on the stage…check out these costumes!
Battle of the Planets seminal 70s Japanese Animation
A Piece on Claire Winger Harris (nice, but not entirely accurate)
A Song About Nerds from Star Trek: Discovery
Game of Thrones Themed Pop Up Cards
Tananarive Due and Steven Barnes Review US
Check out MD Jackson’s latest cover
Our Science Writer’s Book Wins ANOTHER Award!
New Survey Suggests: …science fiction is a valuable research tool for public engagement with science.
Writer Beware Talks Turkish Publisher (not paying their bills)
Paul Levinson has a new collection
Native American Representation in Comics
Speilberg’s Appearance at Apple event raises controversy
Cynthia Ward to debut in Analog
Christopher Priest not happy with Mendelsohn’s The Pleasant Profession of Robert A. Heinlein (we’re still reading it, so far, so good)
Afrofuturist Series Wins 6 Figure Buy
Cosmic Impact from 12,800 years ago confirmed
All Femaie Spacewalk Cancelled Owing to Lack of Properly Fitting Suits and NASA updates their spacewalk schedule
Surgery for Stroke can save lives, but not enough medical professionals are aware of it
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