SPECIAL NOTE: HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! to all Fannish Moms and Moms of Fans. Truly, without moms, there would be no Fandom. (No species either, but we’re being a little self-centered with out celebration.)
It is possible to leave hate behind; former racist talks the talk
Amazon is Holding a City Hostage
Cannes Red Carpet: Women Protest for More Opportunity
Groot’s Vocabulary Expands at the end of Infinity War
“If I could talk to the eldritch horrors…” Limited Edition Dr. Cthulittle
Marvel Introduces Chinese Superheroes
SFWA Space Book Bundle Ends in 18 Days
Some Critics Think Infinity War’s Ending Fell Flat (maybe just the ashes?)
Business Insider Click Bait: :Historian Says Most SF is Flawed Except for Brave New World (via Ruby Kapture)
(Mini-Editorial: Historian and author Michael Bess delivers a speech in which he presents the “Jetson Fallacy”, suggesting that only Huxley’s novel presents a future in which all of humanity is altered genetically. Our take: sounds like Historian Bess should stick to history, as he is obviously woefully unfamiliar with science fiction. Fred Pohl’s Day Million serves as an excellent exemplar; Haldeman’s Forever War presents future humanity as one monolithic clone. The “Jetson Fallacy” is the fallacious belief that you can base a theory about SF literature on Saturday morning cartoons and bad films.)
GIGO Becomes Fatal, software to blame for Uber crash
Runaway Robot: Boston Dynamic’s Atlas can now run:
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