The Futurians, 1938


What is wrong with science fiction today is that its outlook on the future has changed; or rather, has never existed in a rational sense.

How can science fiction have any rational outlook on the future when today exists the greatest confusion in world affairs since the dawn of recorded history?

WHAT IS IMPORTANT to us is what science fiction is going to do about it.

Science fiction has to do something about it because its very life is bound up with the future and today practical events are working to shape the outline of that future in bold, sharp relief.

Today we are face to face, FACE TO FACE, I repeat, with the choice: CIVILIZATION or BARBARISM — reason or ignorance.

John B. Michel Mutation or Death October, 1937



Worldcon76’s LGBTQI Initiative

HA HA HA.  So funny!  He says “gas the jews” and the dog delivers a Nazi Salute So funny.  Not.

US Press Ranking Falls.  Again.



Air Wonder Stories – Gernsback’s third SF magazine (follows Science Wonder Stories and Amazing Stories) gets a reprint

Star Trek Sets

Debunking Thanos

Haffner Press offers The Complete Ivy Frost

Venom Trailer

Cool Moon Lamp  (in three sizes!)

THIS is how to land a rocket

When Money Writes Movies

Stranger Things Season 3 Teaser

Graviton on Agents of Shield



Futurian Legacy:  80 Years on and SF is still living out their vision

If the genre wasn’t attempting to make a statement about the uses of technology and scientific advancement for building a positive, anti-fascist, and pro-revolutionary future, then it wasn’t worth reading, much less writing or publishing. In contrast to today’s Sad and Rabid Puppies, #GamerGaters, and #MAGAlytes, who regard the politics of social justice as detrimental to society, the Futurians sought to forge new futures by committing the SFF community to overturning inequality and oppression.

The Jewish Influence on Science Fiction is receiving some attention these days

Children’s Lit in an Era of Anti-semitism (via Shira Wolf) and, for background White Jews

Book Factory

Steven Barnes offers “Enneagram” Class

Myths & Delusions is no more



Uranus Smells (it’s scientific!)

More in the “applied” realm:  Cops and Truckers have been using this technique for years

Rescue Bots  No, it isn’t a Saturday morning kids show (Paywall)

Beware the Exploding Ant (Paywall)

Human Evolution in Action (Paywall)

Snowstorm on Comet 67P

No New Moon Rover

Small Galaxies and a Globular Cluster

Did Life Evolve on Earth too soon for Aliens to come visiting?

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