AMAZING NEWS: Post McCarty Apology Edition 1/28/24

KERFUFFLE SHUFFLE ITEMS are below in their own section

Ancient Bone Flutes

Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki recommends some Continental African SF

The Dark Forest Theory (Three Body Problem related)

The Dream Foundry

Agranoff talks about Helen O’Loy in his on-going Hall of Fame series

Earlier in the week, NASA regained communication with its Martian Flyer.  Unfortunately, it has now ended its mission

Roads Less Traveled has released submissions guidelines

Flowers are Evolving.  (Triffids?)  Could be a problem for pollinators

The Actual Hidden Truth of UFOs.  (They are not extraterrestrials seeking to probe humans for scientific or other purposes.)

Speaking of beings seeking to probings:  JD Barker under fire for asking for nude photos

Nominations for First Fandoms’s Awards are open until February 15



Kerfuffle Shuffle
Roundup of News & Commentary on the 2023 Hugo Awards Controversy

Video discussion on Fantasy News

Worldcon Does it Again on Metafilter

Awards Under Fire – The Guardian

Two Attorneys Talk Legal Implications – on a gaming channel

Book Riot asks – What is going on?

Hugo Awards – a bit of punctuation needs to be added

Long Discussion, helmed by Raehli on X

and more

Farber discusses recent Chinese commentary

JOF commentary

Dave McCarty’s Apology


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