Professor Rachel Armstrong Joins Improbable Botany

Rachel Armstrong in Venice
Professor Armstrong in Venice

Perhaps this can’t compete with the BBC introducing the Thirteenth Doctor tomorrow, but just as exciting for me as editor of Improbable Botany is that I can now announce that Professor Rachel Armstrong will be our Eleventh Author with her new story ‘The Living Stones of Venice’.Beyond her work as an author, Futurist and Fellow of the British Interplanetary Society, Rachel Armstrong is Professor of Experimental Architecture at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK. She researches the inner life of “things” seen and unseen, and experiments with the very stuff of life to ask how we may design and build our world differently. Check out her TED Talk which closely relates to ‘The Living Stones of Venice’.

Rachel is a first rate fiction writer. Her debut novel will come out next year, and her story ‘The Worldmaker’ was one of the highlights of the NewCon Press anthology addressing the Fermi Paradox. (Click for the Amazing Stories review.)

obable Botany cover by Jonathan Burton
Improbable Botany cover by Jonathan Burton

Improbable Botany

EDITOR’S NOTE:  The Kickstarter for Improbable Botany is very close to successful completion:  please help them meet their goal.

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