Tonight – March 31, 2016 at 11:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -0700) (that’s 4/1/16 2:59 am EDT) – the balloting for nominations for the 2016 Hugo Awards and the 1941 Retro Hugo Awards close.
Absent a time machine, after that day and time, you will NEVER AGAIN be able to have an influence over who wins and what works become finalists for these awards.
Years from now you will be forced to say (if you are honest) “…even though I was a member of WSFS, I chose not to participate and therefore can not take any credit at all for [x] winning the award that influenced [x’s] career – and look what they’ve done since!”
Nope. You’ll have to hang your head in shame and shuffle your feet in discomfort, knowing that you could have, should have or would have nominated, but didn’t. Because (unacceptable) reasons.
Even if you only feel qualified to place one nominee in one single category – NOMINATE!
Visit MidAmericon2 or The Hugo Awards website for more information.