AMAZING PEOPLE: Tanya Tynjala’s Novel Now In Ebook

Tanya Tynjala, our hard working Spanish Language Editor (and recruiter of Spanish speaking talent par excellence – which probably ought to be rendered as por la excelencia, though Tanya would do a better job of translation), has had her book –


La Ciudad de los Nictálopes

rendered into electronic format and is now available for the Kindle via near-instantaneous download (and people ask where their transmitter booth is).

Our hard-working robotic translators render the title as The City of Nyctalopes (though they did drop the accent….)

Tanya Tynjala
Tanya Tynjala
You can find all of Tanya’s posts for Amazing Stories here, and learn more about her here.  And of course, you can purchase a copy of

La Ciudad de los Nictálopes HERE

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