Scide Splitters: Four by Tenn
Scide Splitters examines four of William Tenn’s (relatively) lighter comedies: “Party of the Two Parts,” “The Flat-Eyed Monster,” “Lisbon Cubed,” and “On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi!”
Scide Splitters examines four of William Tenn’s (relatively) lighter comedies: “Party of the Two Parts,” “The Flat-Eyed Monster,” “Lisbon Cubed,” and “On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi!”
“Brooklyn Project,” William Tenn’s outstanding political satire, highlights the folly of disregarding civil liberties for the sake of security.
Warning: The story recommended in this review contains satire that may cause indigestion in some readers, particularly those who are currently afflicted with Puppy Mania.
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